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I wanted to make this post for a while now but i didn't know how to go about it, first of all i want to thank each and every one of you for your support, it has been a long run, this June marks 2 years that i've been here and in that time i've done over 300 pictures, met wonderful people who're there for me regardless of what happens.

As you all know, well some of you may know about the hurricane that hit last year, it was really a tough time, there was so much going on, i thought i was fine physically, but i wasn't okay mentally, I ended up being depressed, unmotivated to do anything for like two months after that, I didn't want to post, tell anyone about my issues because i've always felt awkward doing so.

To shorten it all up, I feel drained, pictures are taking much longer than originally planned, I dont want you guys to think that i'm not doing my best cause I really am. I will try to upload on a much more reasonable schedule and try to upload more frequently. I'm also planning on doing more personal art on here, I've had a lot of ideas, but never enough time to do them.

I think that's all i have without putting up a blob of text ;w;

Sorry for the rambling!
Thanks for reading >w</



While it's not always easy to talk about things ( I definitely feel you there - certainly have been in a few funks in my time) hopefully it helps knowing that we understand! If you ever do feel like talking I'm all ears friend! :)


You're entitled to ramble, and explanations are a nice thing for communication :) I know I haven't been contributing as much as I did two years ago, but I still want to help how I can :)


Hey man first and foremost you do you we get it and are here for you




Its not a bad idea to take a break. Dont feel pressure to do your art. In the end, you should enjoy your work. I know I am looking for other fat artists for doing some collaboration with. Maybe reach out to other artists and your community for criticism. Or take on a new style or try some art challenges. Please let me know if I can personaly help in any way! Good luck and love your work!