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Altering Curse Spinoff 2 - COMIC POLL - Chapter 5: After a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?

  • Option 1 60
  • Option 2 7
  • Option 3 11
  • Option 4 52
  • Option 5 12
  • 2022-08-25
  • —2023-04-08
  • 142 votes
{'title': 'Altering Curse Spinoff 2 - COMIC POLL - Chapter 5: After a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 60}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'Option 5', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 8, 13, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 25, 15, 0, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 142}


UPDATE: I'm getting close to finishing the current chapter so the poll will close soon (Saturday, 8th of April, 3pm CEST)! Be sure to vote if you haven't! ^^

I hope you all saw the 25 WIP pages with added dialogue, if you haven't please read through them before suggesting anything :)

[Google Drive Folder featuring all the sketched pages for easier reading]

Welcome to the fourth comic poll where we decide what happens in chapter 5 of the current Altering Curse Comic!

I collected all the ideas you suggested, and selected the ones that work with the way the comic is paced and with how I want to write the characters. Multiple votes are active and the poll runs as long as I work on the other half of chapter 4 [12 Pages atm] :)

Have fun voting,


The Poll closes as soon as I am done with page 60 :)


You'll find that there aren't summarized poll options like last time. The suggestions were really detailed this time around so I'll just give you a link to a google doc where you can read through all the suggestions with my corrections/comments below in red ^^

I also featured all the suggestions I didn't pick and added my reasoning, just in case you're curious.


please read them carefully and don't forget to come back and leave your vote :)


syconerd (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 21:16:26 Maybe we can have like a hybrid because I like some of the ideas from 1 &4 as well. Maybe we can also have Timmi also change to have a bisexual relationship?
2023-02-17 18:50:57 Maybe we can have like a hybrid because I like some of the ideas from 1 &4 as well. Maybe we can also have Timmi also change to have a bisexual relationship?

Maybe we can have like a hybrid because I like some of the ideas from 1 &4 as well. Maybe we can also have Timmi also change to have a bisexual relationship?

Cole jones

I hope option 1 wins.


I'm rooting for option 4, which can easily lead into other options while also providing some good school-wide transformations

Cole jones

If option 4 wins I at least hope the crocker and waxelplax ideas from option 1 can be included they could work for option 4 too.


Like I said in the suggestion thread, I won't be fusing suggestions anymore, makes the chapters way too long ^^


You might be able to slide in a change or two through the banter, but option 1 could also happen following option 4 after another round of polling. It all depends on how people vote and what other options are available.

Cole jones

I know they fusing chapters isn't happening this time I just meant the crocker and waxelplax changes that's it. And if option 4 wins I don't think option 2 can happen after since in option 4 crocker is changed to be a sexy female teacher just not as focused on as in option 1. Though waxelplax could be change in a suggestion for the next chapter but that would be a stretch.

Cole jones

Maybe if option 4 wins then the ideas for Timmi, crocker, and waxelplax from option 1 could be used as some poll ideas for what could happen or be focused on.


It's worth noting that for option 4, there's plenty of wiggle room with the dialogue. Since there's clearly a lot of support for the Crocker/Waxelplax option we can easily adjust the conversation to leave that intact for the future. The "All hot women teachers" line could just target current women, leaving both of them out of the change.