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I didn't want to make this feel rushed, and I hope it didn't.

The next two chapters will be released tomorrow! And with it, we will be back on the schedule! 

For this novel at least... I still have another one... OOF

Anyway, here is the continuation of Ishtar's small Arc, lets's see...





/14th floor of the Dungeon…/

'A bunch of Amazons could be seen hidden within a dark cave, waiting for something to happen.'

/Step step step…/

'A girl suddenly rushed inside and made a hand gesture.'


'From the dark, a massive figure of a fat woman appeared, laughing in a weird frog-like manner.'

"He's finally here, I was getting tired from waiting. I might as well rot from staying around this dump." Said Phryne

"Let's just get this over with and leave." Said a girl with silver hair holding an ax in her hand

"So? Who will go? I recommend myself since I doubt any of you are capable of handling that man." Said Phryne with her strange smile

'They all looked at each other before someone took a step forward.'

'A sexy Amazon with long dark hair took a step forward and said:'

"I'll go, but I will need that."

'Phryne looked at the girl and smiled with her hideous large mouth, her fat chin moved as she chuckled.'

"You? Are you sure you can handle him, Aisha? Such a man is better left in my hands…"

'But Aisha said nothing, taking a step forward as she approached Haruhime who was clad in a red cape, blocking most of her face.'

"Do it." She said

'Haruhime said nothing and instead just continued to chant in an emotionless tone:'

"Grow... That power and that vessel. Breadth of wealth and breadth of wishes."

"Until the bell tolls, bring forth glory and illusion. Grow. Confine divine offerings within this body."

"This golden light bestowed from above. Into the hammer and into the ground, may it bestow good fortune upon you. Grow."

'When she finished chanting, a spiraling ray of light surged from her body and into the body of Aisha, making her glow faintly.'

"KEKEKE! I am sure you decided to volunteer just so you could experience this power right?" Asked Phryne with a mocking tone

'But Aisha said nothing once more and just walked outside of the cavern…'



'Silver stabbed the heart of a Hellhound after blocking its claw swipe and grabbed the stone on the ground cheerfully.'

'He turned around and proceeded to make his way down the corridor with his hands in his pockets when he suddenly crouched.'


'Aisha suddenly appeared as she swung her large sword at him.'



'Silver did a small roll and kicked Aisha on her belly, sending her flying as he got on his two feet once more like an agile cat.'

'Throughout this entire encounter, Silver did not remove his hands from his pockets, showing how stronger he had become.'

"Well well, I don't remember ever meeting you, what did I do to you? Oh, beautiful amazon with long black hair?" Asked Silver with a smile

'On the outside, Silver acted like a goofball, but internally, he was focused.'

So they finally decided to act. It looks like my small actions did buy me some time…

'Aisha looked at him and licked her lips.'

"You truly are as strong as the rumors said… But it ends here."

"If you want to hate someone… So hate my fickle Goddess!"

'Aisha suddenly vanished and slashed her sword at Silver!'


'But Silver parried her with his Halberd.'

'He did a spinning attack and swung it at her again followed by a low kick!'


'She blocked his first strike and said as she jumped away from his kick:'

"Oi oi, this wasn't supposed to happen."

How is he keeping up with me despite the Level boost?! I am supposed to be Level 4!

'But Silver smiled, scratching his chin in wonder as he said:'

"You're strong, Level 4? I will ask again, why are you attacking me?"

'But Aisha said nothing and rushed forward once more.'


'Aisha's sword and Silver halberd clashed several times before Silver pinned her sword down on the ground and did a spinning attack on her abdomen, sending her flying into the wall.'

'He went running after her and punched her in the guts as she crashed into the cave wall, making a large crater.'


'He moved his hand sideways, throwing her across the wall, making a long dent in it.'


'He raised his hand and pressed down.'


'Aisha suddenly felt a massive pressure hit her abdomen, she puked a bit of blood due to the many strikes she received.'

'Looking at her, Silver turned around and grabbed her sword as he said with a smile:'

"Last chance will you tell me who you are and your reasons for being after me?"


'Aisha slowly got up from the ground, she coughed a bit and gazed at him with a fierce smile.'

"What a man, if only it wasn't for these circumstances I would've loved to spend a few nights with you…"

'But Silver just smiled awkwardly.'

"Sorry ma'am, I already have an owner…"

'But she smiled nonetheless.'

"You seem pretty carefree with your answer for someone with an owner… Besides, that never mattered for someone like us!"




'Silver was suddenly sent flying across the cave.'

'From the side, a massive fat fist slowly opened.'

"Kekeke… I knew you wouldn't be enough, what a pathetic sight for someone who got her strength." Said Phryne as she mocked Aisha

"Well, doesn't matter, thankfully I came, else you incompetent girls wouldn't be able to do shit."

"Weren't you blocked just now?" Said one of the Amazons sarcastically

"#! I didn't pour my all! Otherwise, he would've died right here right now… And this isn't good at all…"


'Silver slowly dislodged himself from the Dungeon walls, cracking his neck as he looked forward with a confused expression.'

"I see it now, but still, why are you all after me… Why is the Ishtar Familia after me? I don't remember ever going to the red light district, so ladies…"

'As he said this, several Amazons made their way out of their hiding spots. They all glared at him with mixed emotions.'

'But 95% of them were glaring at him with lust…'

'And the few that weren't looking at him like that seemed to have mixed emotions about all of this.'

"What an honor… What brings together the entire top battalion of Ishtar to this humble me?"

They sent more people than I imagined, they even blocked my escape route with that horrendous item, I can't teleport away… I really hate this magic tool… Not that it matters. I just need to get out of its range…

'Silver tried to test the range and he immediately grimaced.'

50M? It's way bigger than last time, did they improve it? Fucking great…

'It was at this moment that Silver looked at the far back and noticed a pair of green eyes staring at him from the end of the cavern.'


'Her face may be covered, but it wasn't enough to hide everything… Haruhime seemed shocked, yet disappointed, and most importantly of all, extremely sad.'

'Seeing that made Silver reconsider his plans one more time… So he smiled and asked:'

"One against many… I am used to it already…"

'One of the Amazons looked at him and said:'

"Let's get him before things get bad, everyone, circle him!"

'The Amazons all went around him while Aisha drank a potion, getting up soon after.'

"KEKEKE! Would it be too bad to have a taste right now?" Asked Phryne as she approached Silver and licked her lips

'But Aisha said:'

"Remember what Ishtar said, no touching. It would mess everything up."

'Phryne looked at her and scoffed.'

"It was just a joke."

/Thud… Thud…/

'Each step Phryne took shook the cave slightly, that was how heavy she was.'

'Silver looked at her as she approached and remembered the information he stole from Ishtar's vault, thinking quickly:'

I have no chance of winning against this bitch, her two highest stats, strength and vitality are almost double that of mine, with their total nearing that of 4000, while my own are still a bit far from 3000, the rest doesn't matter.

What makes her an even worse problem are her Development abilities, Abnormal state resistance, and… Magic resistance… Worse, she also has healing powers and Fist strike.

She may act like an arrogant bitch, but she has the power to do so, still, she is fucking mand… I don't even want to remember what I read about her in those documents…

"You truly are such a cutie, well, I'm into younger boys but I think it would be a shame to miss such a stud like you KEKEKE!" Said Phryne as she moved her hand to grab Silver's crotch

'Silver jumped backward, making Phryne exhale turbid air with an amused face… If that could be called that.'

"You may flee now, but now enough you will be begging to have a taste of me… Anyway… Take him out!" She said as she raised her ax and rested it on her back


'Silver looked around him and formulated a plan.'


'Silver kicked behind him, sending the first girl flying and crashing against the dungeon wall.'


'He evaded more strikes and delivered two fast punches to two more girls.'

'Using telekinesis, he pushed three girls and made them collide with the others while he jumped in the air and kicked another Amazon in the face.'

"Don't get cocky kid!" Exclaimed Aisha as she jumped into the fray

/Clang clang clang!/


'Haruhime observed the fight with depressed eyes, she had already lost her hopes…'

'But as she gazed at him fighting against the many, slowly but surely winning, she felt something surging within her…'


"How pathetic."

'But her hopes were crushed under the fat body of Phryne as she took a step forward…'


'Silver continued on his intense fight, evading and clashing against the multitude of Amazons, displaying his extensive combat knowledge.'

'He conserved as much Mind as he could, dealing with them purely with his overwhelming stats.'


'One of the Amazons was pushed back, being grabbed by her companions. She whipped the blood on her face and said:'

"Is that really a Level 2?"

'Another one replied with a bit of awe:'

"No wonder he is called a miracle, such strength for his Level is extraordinary…"


'Silver kicked the ground, creating a small crater as he jumped into the air, he kicked the ceiling of the Dungeon and flew out of the encirclement...'



'Suddenly, a massive ax came crashing against him, cutting his left shoulder and sending him crashing against the ground.'


'Phryne rudely pushed aside the Amazons on her way as she looked at Silver, seeing this, everyone went away from Silver, knowing she would take care of this on her own.'

"Time's up. I don't want to waste any more time!"

'She raised her hands to knock him down but Silver suddenly vanished with a rude smile.'

"WHAT?! WHERE IS HE?!" Exclaimed Phryne in a loud tone


'She punched the wall of the cave in anger, making the entire place tremble.'

"I thought you had used that item!"

'One of the Amazons said:'

"We did use it! It should be working!"

'Phryne looked behind her as she searched, and it was at that moment she realized something was wrong…'

"Where is Haruhime?... WHERE IS SHE?!"


'Phyne raised her war ax and slashed at the wall in anger, almost making that section of the Dungeon collapse…'


'Aisha stared at the Dungeon hallways, thinking deeply about something…'



'Aisha suddenly noticed something beneath Phryne, she was about to point it out when…'


"It's a trap!" Exclaimed one of the Amazons…

"Haa… Haa…"

'Silver and Haruhime could be seen running around the Dungeon. Silver had a serious look on his face while Haruhime had a conflicted expression.'

"Hum? Why did you stop? Come on!" Said Silver as he frowned

'Was that not enough? Is she still doubting herself? We are so close to the end of the item's influence…'

"This is enough, you managed to flee and now you can report this to the Guild, it should be enough for you to escape…"

'Silver suddenly went to her and put her in a princess carry, making Haruhime blush.'

"We can talk about this as we run."


'She bit her lips in agony as her heart, what she wanted was so close… So close…'

'Silver eventually escaped the magic item influence and teleported himself and Haruhime out of harm's way.'

'Haruhime was flabbergasted as to how they were previously in the Dungeon, but they were now at the top of a ruin in the Middle of Orario.'


'Silver gently put her on the ground, he looked at her with a serious expression and said:'

"See? I told you it would happen."



'Out of nowhere, Haruhime started to cry, it wasn't tears of joy, it was tears of sadness.'


'Silver understood that the reason for this was rather complex, so he only went to her and patted her head, saying:'

"Are you afraid of the repercussions of this event? That something serious is going to happen to me?" He asked as he caressed her head

'Feeling the warmth she hadn't felt in years made Haruhime calm down a bit.'

"I… Please no… Leave me behind… I… Do not wish to…"

'But Silver interrupted her.'

"Take it as my shellfish desires then… The Ishtar Familia crossed me first, one way or another, it would've ended like this, remember the story of King Arthur? And how was he destined to fight from the moment he grabbed that sword?

'Haruhime nodded.'

"I was destined to fight then, be it by my will or not, this is how unfair this world can be… So why not go a bit further and save someone in need?"

'He did not stop talking as he said:'

"Haruhime… Why don't we do this a bit differently?..."

'Silver took a step backward and looked at her as he gave her his hand.'

"I can give you the strength needed to be free in this world, so why don't you help me in achieving my dreams as well? Together, there is nothing the Ishtar Familia can do."

"I may be inexperienced, and I may not be the Hero you expected, but at least, I am here for you."

'Haruhime grabbed her dress as she cried silent tears, she eventually grabbed his hand and said:'

"Please, give me the strength to be free!"

'Under the sun, the path of a Human who dreams of adventuring and the path of a young Renard girl who dreams of freedom, finally crossed.'





Don't think this is the end of this Arc, I tried to make something different with Haruhime, and I can't tell how it went.

In the anime itself, it was a series of coincidental occasions under a bit of Hermes will that led to him saving Haruhime in the first place.

PS: I do have images for these chapters, do you all want them or are you fine with it?


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