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Heya everyone,

So, while I'm putting in the last bit of work before the update (mostly writing and writing tons of dialogs), I thought this would be a good time to officially search for a talented artist.

As you may know, most of the 2D work in the game right now is placeholder : Items icons,Achievments,artworks...Reasons are quite straightforward :  I can't do everything. A game is a colossal task that ask for a ton of different skills and I just can't be a master at everything. And as the game is near the beta phase and enter the polishing, it's a good point to take things further.

I'm already doing an underwater search since a few weeks, but to no avail, so it's time to crank up the gear !

So, here we go ! I don't necessary expect one of you to be a 2D artist, but I'm putting this post public. If you happen to know someone that could be interested, don't hesitate to link it !

Without further discussion, here's what I'm looking for:

  • You've got skills in all things 2D art, from crafting artwork to nailing UI icons and textures.
  • Your art style game is on point, and you can adapt to fit different aesthetics. I'm primary looking for an art style that would fit with the game aesthetic.
  • You're an AB,or a DL, or both (obviously)

Now, the perks:

  • Fair compensation that we'll discuss together because I value time and talent.
  • If we click, I've got more projects in the bag so there's more work down the line.

So, here's the lowdown on how to apply:

  • Send me a portfolio that showcases your 2D artwork, including sprites, icons, and any other goodies you're proud of.
  • Let me know your availability and how quickly you think you can rock the tasks I'll throw your way. I'm not looking for a sprinter here, and I don't necessary want to have everything tackled at once. I just want to have a clear vision to have a roadmap.

If it sound like something you'd want to tackle, great! Email your application to ABDLsparrow@protonmail.com with the subject line "2D Artist - [Your Alias]".

So, that's it ! Don't hesitate to share this post if you feel like it. I'm really eager to begin this collaboration and see where this can lead us!

And until further news, see ya soon ! The next post should be the update post !

See ya!



Good luck for your search and all the work ! =)