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Hi everyone,

As promised, here the access link for the new release :


There's quite a lot of changes: 


-You can now equip both an underwear and a pants. Your mom will thank you.

-Added 5 new situational animations.

-Tweaked a bit the continence system  so player can't hold on indefinitely.

-Corrected various bugs where bladder and bowel muscles would definitely  fail and stay open.

-A lot of NPC are now more talkative and react to your pants state to the best of their knowledge.


Quest and story

-After your last encounter, you can now progress up until the next level door,as long as you find the key.

-A friendly neighbor is ready to give you an useful item as long as you lend him an hand.


World environnement

-Added skyboxes and weathers effect.

-News tracks and SFX added.

Suburb Neighborhood available

This nice and peaceful district is now ready to be  disturbed by crinkling diaper noise. Or is it so peaceful in the first  place? This small zone is hosting the player house and will serve as an  hub to later levels.

Cleaning up the place

The  car accident that was making a lot of policemens busy got  cleared up  (as long as you have progressed enough). You can visit a new  portion of  the city, that will host the supermarket as well as the  hospital.  Stay quiet The town library was overhauled and is now filled with life (but not much noise).



-Added an used diaper item that will replace an unequiped diaper.

-Added a drawer in player house that will host key items in case of accidental deleting.

-Added a diaper pack that host 4 diapers.

-Updated some sprites to make them more colorful

-Added a description for each in game item.


User Interface

-The GUI is now plumped with a finely handcrafted panel.

-The world fade in/out when there's a relevant event to not throw the player astray with a sudden dissapearance.

-Small and cute pink particles are now added to show where you can interact.

-You can now save and load your game. Currently only support one save   at a time, so be carefull to not override your existing save by   accident.  Some states like dialogs might not be saved in the process.

-You can now open option menu by pressing the escape key.

-There's now a mouse hover tooltip for the items in inventory.


Know-bugs and issues:

- Loading a file may cause duplicates items

- Loading a file may sometimes cause the player to load without pants

- Camera tend to be unruly when trying to move it on the vertical axis.

- Some cases of deformed-hand were reported for some NPC, without it being life threatening.

If you wander around any issues, please let me know. I did not start any real technical optimization so if you encounter any frame drop or performance issue, it will be an high priority focus. I want my game to run on every computer.

I'm also interested in any reviews or input about how do you feel about the update, of course. 

With that done, I'm going to take a little day off and come back tomorrow to draft my next plans. 



This has turned out super nice so far. My only complaint is some minor freezes and hangups regarding the bathroom system and getting "stuck" in the holding animation until the next bladder/bowel event. I sure didn't have any luck finding that key though!


Thanks for your review! I was indeed worried about freeze, so next update will include some optimization in that regard. For the key, I'd look in the graveyard. Be careful of ghosts !