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Hello there,

Book 2 of the Cultivating Saga, Nurturing Forturne, will finish this week. Only one chapter remains after the one I published today plus and epilogue/addendum.

As always, I will take a week long rest before renewing publishing here with the third book. The name for the third installment will be Enlightening Reality and here you have the cover!

See you later,

-Epsilon Twilight




That tree looks sassy, dangerous and like a brain. I wonder what monster aloe created. Maybe she will create a holy order and ground to help fleeing maidens to encounter the adulterous society of Sultanahs court? Jk. Though at the moment we are at a crossroad what aloe will do with her amassed power and if she will fall to the ways of niniveh or if she shakes of its ashes and turns into a new different directon