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This beautiful AI gen art is from a prompter "Yuuki Taito". I don't know how he generate it but it has a very high quality compare to other AI arts I saw. And it's too beautiful to be ignored,




I study from it by tracing the line....but analyze how to color myself. Which is not accurate but at least there're some skills I can use in my future projects.


The Main Key Point is...coloring is not important.

The most important parts are "shape and shadow casting direction"

"A good shadow casting will make your picture 100 times better than a picture with good details only"


and how to practice the lighting? The easiest way is to draw a ball, a box, a cylinder and draw shadow on it. Human body are formed from these geometry. If you can do it, a human body would be easy for you too.



Tbh, I'm not fully understand how to draw this style myself. I haven't drawn this level of quality before. But after this lesson, I see more clear boundary of my potential. Wish me luck.




AI is definitely useful It by itself is nothing more than a tool, it's just how you use it