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I has been 3 months straight I did what I want to, I learnt so much, might not be what I expected but it may be better. Here's the summary

week1-4 : I'm trying to learn by my old fashion. Some of my idea were corrects, some are not.

Week 5-8 : I took so much effort in learning. But the progress is so little. Try to learn about the brain why it didn't work. Then I realized I understood something wrong my entire life.

Week 9-12 : I'm deeply interested in Neuroscience and How brain work. I become a researcher instead of an artist. But I think it's worth, because I've questioned about this for almost 25 years and now I finally know exactly how to learn effectively confirmed by science. 

As a result of 12 weeks, I've invented a learning cycle for myself

Pre-learn + Recall1 >> Learn + Short rest >> Long Rest >> Recall2 >> Sleep

And this cycle can be used with any subject. Arts, Science, Sport, Literature, Music, Everything. The concept is the same but the practical is different by the subject itself. There's tons of details which I won't write it down here. I don't want to make it too long.

1. Pre-learn + Recall : It's for prepare your body ready to learn new things.

     1.1 Good mood

     1.2 Meditate

     1.3 Recall previous lesson

2. Learn + Short rest

     2.1 Learn by linking your perception. Analyze the subject deeply to store in short term memory. If you're good with image, use image. If you're good with sound, use sound. Use any method you want.

     2.2 Remind yourself that you will not understand everything only by listening. And might able to understand it fast enough when you listen someone. Try take a short note for re-read it later

     2.3 Break 5 mins every 22-30 mins. 

3. Long Rest

     3.1 Go shopping, go jogging, eating, drinking, anything you want to relax yourself.

4. Recall 2

    4.1 Take a break long enough to make you almost forget the subject. The main reason is to let you make a mistake. Mistakes make you able remember it in a long term.

5. Sleep

     5.1 The neuron is created when you sleep.

These're all steps I can think of. If I find something new, I'll update you. 

After today, I'll be back to draw expansion as before. But my learning process is still far from complete. Thank you so much for reading and thank you for your support all along.


Jesse Nzechukwu

These Advices are Very Impressive and Much Useful for those , who wish to perfect their drawing skills especially me


I wish you luck. I didn't write a full details how to learn yet. I'll make a new journey when I'm sure how to do it right.