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(Again, This is my only personal opinion and belief. And the information in this article is not a fact. I just want a record to track down the process. Read with caution.)

We get distracted not because something really distracted us, it because our brain is lazy and want to save the energy. So it tells us to stop focusing on the task and do something fun instead.

is there anything we can do to avoid that.

try to "FOCUS" more

and how to increase the focus? any practice method?




I hate meditation because I was told that meditation is the way to make you calm, peaceful or something like that. But I don't feel it that way because when I was a child, the school forced me to sit and meditate for almost an hour.....with backpain as a result and I didn't feel relax at all.

Until I realize that not every meditation were created for calmness. Some was designed to increase ability to focus, some for awareness. So different kind of meditation can benefits you in different way.

Here's what I'm thinking...

"Meditation can give you various benefits depends on what you really want from it"

so I guess there's no right or wrong about any type of meditation. You have to choose what is the best for you.

For me, personally I separate meditation into only 4 types

1. Closed-eyes meditation : There's no external distraction. Only your thought can distract you. You can focus on anything you want, Counting number, Focus your breath, questioning yourself, etc. Such as mindfulness meditation, Reflect meditation.

The Point is : to know yourself how long you can focus on only 1 thing and how fast can you bring your mind back when your mind drifts away.

2. Guided meditation : Open your eyes and deeply focus on one thing. Or trying to hear the guided sound, analyze it, or focus on your feet while moving slowly. Such as Visualization, Mantra meditation.

The Point is : to not get distracted from the thing you didn't focus on. And to practice deep focusing on your selected perception.

3. Awareness meditation : to know all perceptions and control your entire body while doing some task. Mostly combined with moving the body or doing some task. Such as Yoga or Tai chi.

The Point is : to know what are you doing every second while doing something. Also, it's good for your physical health. 

4. Defocus meditation : just feel the surrounding, enjoy the scene without focusing on anything. Such as watching the horizon or doing a yoga corpse pose.

The Point is : to not focus and let the mind free. you can think about anything as relax as you want. 

(seriously, this is easy to say than to do)

Because all 4 benefit differently, so I may do all 4 types when time and location are available. Starting with only 1 min. (What?, 1 min is still too long for me). Scientific facts confirm it's good for increase learning ability. So I'll do it. But no promise the result.

And as I said above, this is my personal belief. You might get a completely different benefits from mine. The best meditation is the one you're happy to do the most. Please choose the one you like.


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