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Well it happened. From all the traveling that I've done in the past few weeks, I ended up getting sick on Friday, or at least having it affect me on that day. At the moment of writing this, my ears feel like they're blocked up, typical runny nose, blah blah. You get the picture.

Sickness or not, more recording and editing will resume on Monday. I spent today resting, sleeping, and finishing up scripts. On Monday I would like to have a new audio, 'Beautiful Morning For a Ride,' recorded and out by you all by nightfall. Let's hope my throat allows me to. If not, I do have a recording on standby prior to the sickness taking over full force that needs to be tweaked a little. That one in particular is 'Sinner Demon Blues.' It's an F4A and I'm happy with how it turned out, so now final judgment falls upon you all.

No more traveling for me for awhile. Stay well.

Edit: Instead of making a new post, I'll just edit this one. The next claustrophiliac audio will be out by the end of this week. I've gained a massive amount of inspiration of how I want the story to go down. This time she's going to have zero control of her situation outside of being allowed to use her new found safeword. Her humiliation kink is going to be worked full force. This one will be much longer, too. The first audio was 2 pages long, now it's doubled. How long will the audio end up being?

"I never thought having my speech restricted so dramatically would make me feel so helpless. It feels right."



Philipp Kaltschmidt

Hey Method... Your healthcare is more important than everything else. We got only this beautiful life. Get well soon

Antoine g.

Get Well soon , but please do not push yourself too hard while you are still recovering .