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Hi everyone,

Happy new year! Hope this one turns out better than the last! 

So like I said in the previous post, the next update will be focused on the NPCs. After I did some rough estimation, I realized I might not be able to fit all of them. So maybe Mars' step-sister content might be missing, since it requires a bit more care because it touches on Mars' past (Need flashbacks, CGs of the mom ect).

In any case, my goal is the same which is to pack every update with as much content as I possibly can.

So regarding the preview image... she's an NPC I added retroactively to the early game, so maybe quite a few players missed her introduction. She's the baron's daughter and will antagonize Mars from time to time until he gains the authority of a Hero.

So this CG turned out different because instead of doing the effects/compositing in Photoshop, I did them within After Effects. As my art improved, it became WAY more harder to animate so I had to learn new tools. That's why I've been obsessively learning everything I can about After Effects the past few days.
In fact, I already finished up 2 animations and I think they came out bretty good...
I think I might be a workaholic lol

So you think this looks good? I think with this method I can produce quite a bit more animations which is something I enjoy making even if they're tedious as hell.

Let me know your honest opinion,

As always thank you so much for all the support!
Couldn't be here without it




There is definitely a difference from what you started put drawing to this an Impressive improvement no doubt so congrats Nitro 👍 As for npcs Maybe I'm out of the loop but how many npcs do you plan to write for? Seeing as there's a handful who had there lil story arc like iris new comers like this one I don't mind waiting but ugh you know maybe give her some tan-lines no pressure 👀


P.s just a thought but if you're gonna bring a sibling into the story have you considered her role in the story seems like she'd have a lot of story potential maybe not as a main girl but a role like Lavina? Where she basically tags along with another girl either Elena or Sera seeing if there a perfect match for big bro Mars 🤔 if you're willing to give her flashback scenes would be a shame to only see her when npcs get an update just a thought also she'll be as dark as her brother right love the village girls but you know need to some some variety for darker girls as well 🙏


The NPCs I want to do content for are, This one obviously The knight The brown girl that comes with the baron Lavinia's sister Yvet's mom And Hilda for the cult/brothel stuff Lot of stuff to do in one update h-haha... Mars' stepsister is already in the game btw, she shows up when all the generals are introduced, although that event is easy to miss