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Hi everyone,

Wanted to share something new with you.

I've been drawing a lot lately, the volume of new art is quite a bit this time. Probably the most out of any update so far...

Judging by my current pace, I'll probably finish by early august. 

This is a special point in Cecille and Erin's development so I hope it all comes together nicely.

Like always, thank you so much for all the support,
Greatly appreciated!




So will we finally see ceci falling for Mars completely no shred of love left for poor ol Erin?! Also since this update is ceci focused any plans on seeing how the curses is affecting her? Aka I think the curse marks are hot and would love to see more lol


Very interesting, really want to see where this is all going. Also some feedback (I wrote it in notepad beforehand, so indentation may be screwed here): bugs and fixes Mihra to Iris bug Change ni to nu in line 38 in nun.rpy Offer to help repeat indefinetly add and bo_help == False in condition on line 92 in nun.rpy add and ma_help == False in condition on line 156 in nun.rpy possible improvements (feel free to ignore) cecille weird massage prologue move lines 265 and 266 up one or two lines in p.rpy maid phase 5 add after line 28 in maid.rpy the following (or something else if you don't like it. The way it is now, with the screen going balck for a split second, is no good in my opinion): show iris shocked at a_close with fade ni "(Whoa... the big cock haver is here...)" call screen npc_command_menu() lost events implement a check to see if there are some events that have not been triggered and cannot be triggered if the story progresses (Lap pillow events outside can be missed) event progreession events should be connencted with each other rather than with the day, this way in future updates new npcs events will be implemented in a smoother way with the story. older parts rework your art got much better compared to when you begun drawing, maybe it could be good to rework the first parts of the game (ex. prologue). Of course not all at once, maybe one asset or scene per update


Everything looks just perfect. yeah if you asked me when the update would drop i would have said mid/late august. can't wait for more previews your art is just incredible now i mean it was always great but wow the details are just next level. also congratulations on more than 800 patreons i can't see it now but last month i saw 808 or something, cheers and hoping for many more that come and experience this amazing game. take care nitro.


Thanks, I'll try to implement those fixes. As for reworking the art... I probably won't do it. Adding new things is a better use of time. But we'll see