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Here are the rewards of July!!! 🥳🎉
Your constant support help me to keep creating amazing stuff and enjoying what I do 😋

Thank you so much! ❤️❤️

▶️ June rewards (In case you didn't get them)

Thank you for your support ❤️
Published: 2023-08
The reason the inbox was empty is that I never sent out the August survey. Damn, I've been thinking all month that I had created and sent it. Here's what we'll do: you can vote in the July one, I'll pick one or two options that haven't been included yet, and tomorrow I'll publish the new August survey. I'm sorry. Between the comic, commissions, and more, I've lost my head. It's the first time this has happened. I ask for your understanding and apologize.
Thank you to the patrons who let me know the poll was wrong.
Published: 2023-08
Here are the rewards of August!!! 🥳🎉
Your constant support help me to keep creating amazing stuff and enjoying what I do 😋

Thank you so much! ❤️❤️

- drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kDQ8wik9SGVj7MxmZh2dheIQiL2Q1Gjy?usp=sharing

July rewards (In case you didn't get them) 👻

- drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TPzA7mveh2PgfZKTJUuwVtGueW_tx_qq?usp=sharing
Published: 2023-09
Hey there big belly lovers and lard ass enthusiasts!

I just wanted to reach out and invite you back to my Patreon since I noticed you cancelled your subscription.  Now I understand that sometimes financial problems come up and it’s not a necessity to gaze at the wonderful sight of a big bouncy belly, but I wanted to invite you back!  

I’ve been working on some amazing pieces lately as well as adding more comics to my Patreon.  One such comic is an amazing MULTIVERSAL story revolving around a skinny BatGirl that “bursts” onto the scene more and more as the story progresses.  Not to mention some of my older comics being available now as well! 

⇛ free previews

I’d love for you to come back so I can continue to share these wonderful ideas and pieces with you, not to mention the voting power you have on the monthly pieces I create!

I hope you’ll consider coming back and enjoying the flabby arms, stuffed bellies, curvaceous asses and chubby cheeked beauties that WE make together!

Published: 2024-04