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Hello everyone~ πŸ’™

I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I know that I'm a little behind on requests (as usual) and I apologize for that but I haven't forgotten about you. I'm really grateful for your generous support and requests so just know that the reason I wait is because I want the reaction to be as good as possible! It's probably just me overthinking it but it's hard for me to get out of my own way sometimes, if that makes sense. I really appreciate your patience and understanding!

I always feel like I struggle with productivity during summer because of the heat but I'm really trying my best to stay caught up with my weekly and monthly content and I'm enjoying those so much (and I hope you are too)! I only have PD48 left for June in terms of monthly reactions and I will post that next week. I'm a little behind on a couple recent comebacks but those will be caught up with eventually... hopefully soon! 🌝 Specifically fromis9 & ATEEZ.

Once I finish PDX101 I will probably take a break before introducing a new weekly survival/competition show. Which show I react to next will be decided by HALF MOON Patrons (and above) in a poll when that day comes. There are just so many groups I want to check out like X1, DKB, BAE173, CRAVITY to name a few and of course soloist WOODZ. I also need to continue my SEVENTEEN & IU mega reactions. I also know that ZB1 content will keep me quite busy and I have no apologies to make about that. 🌝 (sorry to the girlgroup stans but I'm making up for lost time)

If you have any questions about anything then please ask them in the comments below or message me on Patreon if you'd prefer to ask privately. I read and enjoy all the messages you send me but I can't respond to them all but please join our Discord community where I'm active daily! You just need to syncronize your Patreon and Discord accounts and you will join automatically.

Thank you so much everyone for supporting me! By liking my videos and posts and leaving comments for me to read motivates me so much. I'm so grateful for each and everyone of you and I'm just so happy that after 7 years as a creator that I'm loving this job more than ever and I have you to thank for that!





Just do whatever that makes you comfortable, we're enjoying whatever it is because your reactions are so much fun to watch and make my days! Keep going and thank you so much!


Johan, you are the sassy, gay best friend I never knew I needed.

Ichi Swagger

My ongoing request is that you enjoy being our queen. And more Markus.

aena syd

I just joined 3 days ago and really love all ur content πŸ₯°