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  • Feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed atm, going to focus on the weekly & monthly Patreon uploads (displayed on my Patreon "About" page) and requests over recent comebacks and other reactions
  • Need to focus on doing my taxes & the yearly meeting for the housing society(?) that I'm part of
  • FIRST LISTENs will be without color coded subtitles in the future (probably)
  • Going to send back the new mic and start using my old one for now
  • Will try to edit my discord server to make it a more fun place to chat for our community
  • Been feeling a little burnt out so I will try to chill (even though I kind of don't want to)

Not sure what I want to achieve by letting you all know this, I just needed to get it off my chest to make myself feel better and I feel more at ease knowing that at least I've explained the situation lol 💙 luv u all



Feel better and don't stress yourself out. The only person you owe anything to is yourself.

faith (bulletproofenhypen)

please don’t stress over this! you’re doing the best that you can and it’s more than enough! please take care of yourself, you should always come first❤️


You're doing everything right. Focus on Patreon first. The comebacks aren't going anywhere and will be there when you're ready. I've never been a fan of using the color coded lyrics for first listens. There's nothing wrong with your reactions, just for me it would be too distracting and I'd rather just listen to the music. Disappointing about the new mic, but if you're not vibing with it, there's no reason to force it. Wishing you the best of luck with the housing committee. I know how much you love it.


thank you so much! 💙 yes honestly, I'm kind of excited to at least try and see what it feels like (without color coded vids) to just enjoy and focus on the music - cus it can get distracting! also i'm glad i didn't order the super expensive mic lol i'm happy to continue with the blue yeti for now at least. and now i will appreciate it more!!! yeah i really do love the housing committee oh so much fun 🙃🙃🙃


thank you for letting us know 💙 like everyone said, please don’t worry about your content output — you have done an amazing number of youtube vids and reactions this year already, so sticking to patreon makes sense so that you can have a little room to breathe while you work through this busy time! i’m sorry the mic isn’t going as you had hoped, but i’m glad you feel good to stay with your old one for a bit longer. lastly, as for first listens, i have always felt that their only good use is when you want to see who sings which parts, but even those aren’t always accurate </3 i think skipping the lyrics-aspect is perfectly fine: just hearing new songs together is the most fun part :)


Thanks for letting us know how you are doing Johan. It's always good to express your stresses and get things off your chest - I'm glad you feel you can do that here with your patrons. Although I don't watch all your content, even just basing things off the amount of videos for multiple groups you've uploaded in the last couple months - I'd say you're killing it this year! :D If you have to slow down for a bit, focus on you some more and take time to deal with the dreaded tax and partake in the incredibly unappealing sounding housing committee lol.. No harm done at all imo! Your health always comes first mate, go at whatever pace is best for you :)

Amber Domi

you've been doing so much this year, and then also all the concerts last year, take your time Johan!! The weather has also been shit lately and that also affects the vibes. I don't mind if you want to stop using lyric videos; however works best for you! if you really want to know the meaning of a particular song I think you can always still look it up on colorcodedlyrics.com afterwards.


Johan it's okay take your time! I have been in these type of situations where there is a lot to think or worry about, you have posted a looot of content these past months, you've worked hard it's fine if you want a break:)) About the lyric videos I think you should do what you think will be more enjoyable and comfortable, even tho I'm ngl your reactions where one of the few when I read lyrics bcs I almost never do that so now I will probably not know wth 90% of the kpop songs I listen mean looool, but that's my problem and I don't mind it that much. Take your break Johan you deserve it!


It's ok Johan, The whole motto in life for me is "Take care of me first" So take care of yourself do what you need to do, and come back refreshed. I will wait for you. I love your genuine reactions, never change. Regarding the colour-coded lyrics, I don't mind if you do it on your own time. to be honest they frustrate me as they do get it wrong. Once you know the artist's voice and they give the parts to the wrong members it becomes frustrating and of course, the translation can be wrong as well. Anyways love from Australia💕

Gabriel 'Shadowhawk'

Thanks for sharing, glad you got to let some off your chest. I'll say You Do You because we are here because of You, so you can just make your decisions based on whatever you feel best.