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LunarTap here to watch!

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I just realized something rewatching this. I think Wooyoung spoiled The Real after he won his cup game.

Rochella Duijs

I immediately thought of DAWNDIDIDAWN from DAWN 😂 but I think you're right

Avery Gemmell

I listen to DKB, I found them through Edward too 😂 they’re such sweet and funny boys, I found blitzes through Edward too and I love them. On other note, salary lupin has such random plot points and I love it 😂😂

Ichi Swagger

Just so ya know, the ㅇ character in Hangul is silent when used at the beginning of a word that starts with a vowel ( like 없어 / “eopseo”) or if at the end it adds an “ng” sound (like 홍중 / “Hongjoong”). So it’s a super commonly used character.