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it´s so funny, that he is SOOOO close to the solution/truth, yet SO FAR away from grasping it. But i can totally understand the confusion, i had to actually read up information from the LN (and as result, spoiling myself) to actually understand what´s going on. For this reason, there isn´t even a way to lead anyone that hasn´t read the LN towards to "correct answer" without spoiling (because if it will ever be revealed in the adaption, that would be a GIGANTIC spoiler). You can´t even say something like "he´s cooking" or "he´s overcooking", because that would probably also be indirect spoilers. All i can say about what's going on is basically: "there´s something going on". But that´s where it ends unfortunately


i just briefly also saw one comment in the blurred twitch-chat, so imma repeat that, since it´s a good hint without spoilers: Admin D has been depicted as an entity from OUTSIDE the system. While yes, admin D IS an admin, and to some extent, interferes with the world due to her duty to maintain it (and the fact that she communicates with our spider-protag, for ... SOME reason), admin D is NOT a part of the world (in other words: she is not a resident of the world). For that reason (and the fact that our unnamed spider-protag now directly met the demon lord), we can safely confirm that: 1. our unnamed spider is NOT the demon lord we´ve been shown (the origin taratect, Ariel) AND 2. admin D is ALSO NOT the demon lord. if our unnamed spider would be the demon lord (Ariel), we would now have a paradox, because she would meet herself (she can´t be small spider and origin spider at the same time, and would have no reason to kill herself). If admin D would be the demon-lord (Ariel), the statement of "admin D is outside the system" would be false. This leads to the conclusion, that admin D, "kumo" and the demon lord (origin taratect, Ariel) are three different entities.