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Covering from chapters 15-18; Chapter 15: 1) The first page of the chapter is of a man (the shaman) slashed and with missing limbs in a dungeon, laughing at Rembrant for the curse that he left him, before being cut away for the killing blow. 2) When Tomoe is about to run off to "train" the adventure party is try and beg her not to go off to the Wasteland, completely oblivious to the fact that it is where she had been to begin with. 3) Just before the encountering the Ruby Eyes, the sisters tell how they got to Zetsuya through teleportation magic, and how it is expensive (around 20 gold coins per person) to use was why they were travelling with Makoto and Mio. 4) There were closer to 10 Ruby Eyes, not 5. 5) The adventures check Makoto's bow and arrow to confirm that he had taken down the Ruby Eyes with his archery skills alone. 6) Makoto didn't look as heart broken when the adventures switched gears to dismantle the Ruby Eye corpses. 7) There is one panel showing the cart was overflowing with the dismantled remains of monsters, so much so that the adventurers were struggling to hold them in. 8) A bonus bubble panel at the end of the chapter has Makoto holding his face in embarrassment from arousal of how much cleavage Toa is showing, wishing that she would wear something that would cover more, all the while Mio is in the corner seething with jealousy. Chapter 16: 1) Tao goes with the other adventures to report the destruction of Zetsuya. 2) Makoto and Mio don't re-register, because if they did and wound up increasing there rank, Tomoe would sulk. 3) Just before Toa goes to the desk with the others to report what happened Zetsuya, she tells Rinon to stay with Mio and behave herself. Makoto has a thought pointing out that it is Toa that needs to work on not causing problems, and how Rinon is the one that has their act together, before going to the quest board to check the rankings. 4) Makoto notes how weird the stares from the other adventures are when he grabs the quest issued by Rembrant, wondering if it was weird to grab a S rank quest there, with him thinking about negotiating having the material. 5) Since Makoto and Mio haven't re-registered with the Adventurer's Guild, Toa lends her Guild Card to Makoto to contact them later after they find a place to eat. It is returned when they meet up at the diner. 6) Makoto quips back at Luisa about being called a thing. He notes how she is bad at picking her words. She fallows up by asking about his shooting style, where he describes it as more an etiquette for aiming and hitting, and how it is to improve the spirit over combat through the boosting of his concentration. 7) Ranilna casually denies non-drinkers by saying that not enjoying alcohol is to desecrate your birth place. 8) Ranilna remarks about arm wrestling being a traditional Dwarven contest of strength. 9) Lime comes to ask about anyone taking the Rembrant quest, where he first here about how Makoto looks. 10) End of chapter bonus panel is of Hazal losing to Ranilna while he was using both arms. Chapter 17: 1) Makoto, Mio and the others pat way from the diner. Toa having the sleeping Rinon on her back. Luisa is looking for where Hazal is drunkenly wondering off to, where he winds up bumping into lime. Hazal is so drunk that he can hardly speak or walk straight, nor recognize his surroundings. 2) Hazel can't keep his lips shut about Makoto's level, or about Mio being strong to Lime. Before the others find Hazel, where Lime takes the chance to slip away. As they walk off to the inn, Hazal comments of having "some hair of the dog that big you", presumably a slang for having more alcohol. 3) Mio is interrupted from her plan to destroy the other bed by Makoto telepathically communicating with her about how they haven't heard from Tomoe, before asking if she was done getting changed. 4) Makoto remarks of how convenient telepathy is, comparing it to a cell phone, which Mio doesn't quite understand and mispronounces it. 5) Mio casually asks Makoto if he prefers more sensual sleepwear, which he casually writes off with a "can't say I really care" line, before opening a Mist Gate to talk to Ema. 6) The first thing Ema reports on the Housing situation, remarking that their original homes that they decided to rebuild them for the new environment. Makoto adds a remark about how the Wasteland can jump from scorching heat to freezing cold based on the time of day. 7) Mio reports on how the Alkeys have been surveying the area and documenting the flora and fauna, saying how she plans to bring their findings to Makoto later. Ema remarking how little they know about the area in response to the Alkeys' work. 8) After reporting on how they are working on small scale construction for Makoto's mansion that will double as an Assembly Hall, Ema states how Tomoe was the only one that could understand and translate the words from his memories, so they are running into issues of things that haven't been translated, resulting in work to slow down do to them not knowing about, with a panel of two Orcs keeping their distance from some Bamboo stocks out of perceived potential danger. Makoto wonders how Tomoe even learned Japanese. 9) Ema fallows up by reporting about the expansion of the Demi-Plane, with Makoto having asked Tomoe about it before she left for her journey. New mountains and forests had appeared after he had made his contract with Mio, and how the Demi-Plane would occasionally expand even before then. He told Ema that Tomoe reported about how the expansion had stopped. Ema agrees, but notes about how the climate has randomly changed, even having snow recently, which was trouble for the lizardmen. 10) Makoto makes a palm sized snowman and hands it to Mio, who promptly eats half of its head. 11) Ema questions Makoto about the importance of the "Mirage Town", where he explains as it is important to have a different source of the products outside of his store. 12) The bonus panel is Luisa looking in horror at the three drunks getting ready to drink some more after they had tucked Rinon into bed. Chapter 18: 1) The other Elder Dwarves call Rugui as an oddball within earshot of him, Makoto thinks about how he should feel when the oddball calls him strange. 2) Rugui explains how the coat absorbs the wearers mana, remarking how its features require a lot more mana to function, mentioning how the Draupnir rings act as mana valves when connected with the chains on the cuffs. 3) Before the coat breaks down, Mio arrives to report about having work done on her equipment, namely her iron-ribbed fan and kimono. She also reports that the that she had told the Alkeys to gather to make their report. 4) What causes the coat to break down was that Makoto decided to test the limit of how much mana it could take, so he eased up on his mana suppression, as he had been making some progress in that field. 5) Neither Minaot, Hokuto, Akina, or Haruna had yet to get their standard wear, instead still wearing traditional Japanese presentable clothes. 6) We see how Mio is just built differently compared to her kinfolk, as they don't try to make eye contact with her when she says that they would be killed by the poisonous mushrooms. Makoto scolds Mio for putting random objects down her mouth, while she curses her kin as they turn away to try and escape. 7) Makoto goes with Toa to re-register with the Adventurer's Guild, where she advocates that he is strong to the receptionist, who remarks about it being unusual for someone his age to be level 1, stating that she would bring this up with the higher ups to investigate the reason for the error. 8) With his new Adventurer's License, Makoto exchanges contact details with Toa and the other adventures. 9) The point of Makoto re-registering with the Adventurer's Guild was so that he could formally take the Rembrant quest. Toa, Luisa, Hazal, and Ranilna were also at the Adventurer's Guild to register themselves as a party. 10) Makoto asks Hazal how he is feeling after all the drinking he had done, where Hazal showed that he had made a potion to deal with hangovers and indigestion, though Hazal states that he has lost his memories of last night, everyone understanding why that is the case from how he was last night. 11) Makoto notes how they are reckless with how they had taken all the request they were allowed to take. 12) The adventurers ask to see when Tomoe and Mio re-register with the guild. 13) An adventurer listening in reports to Lime in a bar about the situation, telling Lime about the missing Rembrant quest paper, thinking that Mio might have taken it, and stating how they had search Makoto's cart for Ruby Eye parts, Lime chides the adventurer of if he had stolen anything, that was promptly denied, before cursing Rembrant for looking down on adventurers. 14) Makoto goes to the Adventurer's Guild reception desk to ask, and submit for the Rembrant quest, he is called to the Drawing Room to have an expert evaluate the Ruby Eyes. 15) After confirming the authenticity and condition of the Ruby Eye eyes, the Appraiser tells the receptionist to change the quest from S rank to Special to allow Makoto to accept it. 16) Makoto is given quest certificate and the location marked on his License's map.