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For information during the juggernaut drive transformation , the main voice who Said the line is Issei but a serious Issei


That tiny ad was better then the 1.5 minutes unskippable ad I kept getting on your twitch stream

Hikaru Kamiki

This season actually follows the original design in light novel although me and majority of Highschool DxD fans can't accept the new animation because old animation still far better. But due to clash between animation studio and original light novel author, we will never see the old animation ever again if the series continues in future.


nah, "majority of dxd fans" that like the old animation are anime onlies, novel readers like the new one

Hikaru Kamiki

Ngl LN readers prefers the new animation because they can relate it with the original design. by majority I mean there's also many LN readers didn't like the new animation even the japanese. that's why this season got so much hatred but personally I just don't like it & not hated it either because I can relate all that between anime watchers & LN readers.