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Hey darlings!

I'm so so sorry for not uploading any content for the last week of March, I usually make 2-3 NSFW audios, and regular yandere audios on Youtube.. but I've been an anxious mess lately and don't have the energy to record ;( I'm threatened I might lose my job so I've been mopey Alexa recently ;( I wish this is an april fool's joke but it isn't!

ANYWAY sorry for being a negative nancy but i will be back with exciting audios and optimistic updates soon, my sweets! I promise!!



So sorry you’ve been going through this. I hope you start feeling better!! Sending positive vibes your way ✨💕😊

Wyatt Woodburn

Very sorry to hear all that is happening. Having your job threatened is never a good feeling. I hope you hear good news and fell better soon! Please do not worry about not uploading, your personal life and health should always come first


That's quite unfortunate. Take all the time you need to deal with things. Don't worry about pushing out content if things aren't going well on your end. We understand. Hope this comes to pass somehow. And above all, take care of yourself, Alexa. We'll be waiting for your return whenever you're ready.


I’m wishing nothing but the best for you 🙏🏽 I hope everything gets better soon and we all want you to be happy and healthy ❤️❤️


nah dont worry we are here for you