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Hey guys, so I've noticed that recently I've been having problems with being concise in alot of the content that I make. Oftentimes, the requests that I draw seem to end up being bigger than I expected (or even the requester expected), the last two being a good example. Believe it or not personally it's kind of harder for me to do smaller pictures over bigger ones even though I often try to do them just to keep a steady output schedule. I mean, I still want to do small pictures but that's not what happens alot of the time.

At the same time even though I get people asking for commissions I often have to decline due to being busy, usually only being able to do them when I'm not working on Patreon and all that. Like with small requests I want to do them more, but I often am not able to find the time.

So that's when an idea popped into my head that should (hoepfully) address both problems at once, which is dividing my schedule between requests where I can be flexible and maybe work on bigger projects, while also doing commissions when I'm in the mood to do smaller pictures which are more concise and where the commissioner explicitly defines things for me. 

My own thinking is that maybe working when there is a specific agreed upon dollar for picture transaction will keep me from overdoing things too much. The problem with being too flexible (which is the approach I've taken with alot of requests) is that it's easy to go overboard with things. I mean I like being flexible and taking ideas as far as I would like, but what I don't like is spending too much time on a single picture when I want to keep things simple, so hopefully this will allow me to do both when I want to.

Now before I was doing a pay-what-you-want approach to doing commissions but this time I'll probably go back to doing a traditional priced system. That means updating prices which I haven't done for more than 5 years last I checked, so hopefully you guys will understand a price hike (especially since everything seems to be hiked up nowadays anyways). I think having specific prices will encourage people to be more specific (which should hopefully not be much of a big ask for commissions), since like  I said before I think having too much flexibility makes it difficult to be concise. I'm kind of still working on the prices, since money isn't an issue to me here, but at the same time I don't really want to undersell what my pictures are worth either (especially since I haven't raised prices since 2017), so it's still TBD.

In addition I'll probably try to keep the limit to just a 3 panels per commission and also limit things to 2 characters each. It'll also be limited to sketches and coloured sketches as well since I don't want them to be too big for me.  So if you have a commission idea that's bigger or more complicated than what I just specified then sorry but I'm not gonna do that. 

Since the commissions I'm doing are also kept as sketches I'll probably be treating them the same way as requests in that if a certain commission gets alot of likes then I'll be colouring them in the following months. 

All in all it shouldn't affect the scheduling of what I post for the most part, though I don't know how much it's gonna affect things. It'll probably mean I get more smaller pictures out there and less back-to-back larger ones like recently. This is all still ideas in my head and I'm still working it out, but I'm just throwing it out there since it's been on my mind recently and also give a heads up for those interested.



All sounds good to me. I've been dying to commission you and I don't mind the price increase either. I do want to know though, for the smaller commissions will you still using the previous process where you make a post saying you're open, people DM or comment their ideas to you and you select the ones that interest you the most or will you be trying out a different process?


Yea good idea. Its best to organise all that clutter. I was actually a bit worried that all of those requests had gave you quite the headache to sort through.


I think I will pick people at random and we'll work it out through DM. Or do a mix of letting people comment specifically if they have their idea worked out and picking random ideas because the former is less time consuming. I'll elaborate when I make the post.


This arrangement seems like a pretty good idea honestly!

Oofing Oofer1212

I always love a bit of transparency to the audience and this seems like a pretty good idea for the long run. Don't want you to disappear for like half a year again! 😅

Tim Loruss

Honestly that’s a really smart move and everyone benefits and it doesn’t put as much stress on you


Oh I would love to commission stuff from you!


What have your previous prices actually been?


That’s cool, but honestly I don’t mind you doing bigger and bigger sketches all of the time.


I myself have definitely noticed a tendency for larger gaps in-between posts and then drops of multi-page comics- I imagine this isn't bad for those getting their requests done but definitely means a smaller amount of individual stuff done. If the plan going forward may be to do like, five one-panel pieces for every longer comic, that sounds fine by me. Interested to see how prices change


Can you do annie farting on mikasa because she lost the fight then Anne turns into the female titan and farts on her.


This is the last price sheet, I think: https://www.deviantart.com/lazei/art/Commission-Info-2017-703958568.


You get passionate about an idea and it runs away with you. I know the feeling. Glad to hear you're compartmentalizing your work and I hope it feels better for you this way! I will say, I've been loving the larger comics, as I personally get more from story than spectacle, but I respect how much time that takes from you and why you'd want to ease up on it. Looking forward to seeing what shorties come next!


Personally, I quite enjoy your tendency to expand on ideas. You're one of the only people who pumps out high quality fart comics of different characters, so I'd say it's very needed and people enjoy it. I'll also add that just a pic of a hot girl ripping ass doesn't do it as much for me as something with more context, like...what did she eat, why is she farting right now, how in detail she is reacting... it's good stuff.


Yeah I know. It's sort of why I started to do more expanded work because it gives me more freedom, and I still do plan on doing them (still have some pics down the pipeline for instance) because I enjoy them too, but I was sort of hoping to do smaller works which is increasingly becoming harder for me to do consistently.

Aiden Jamous

Flare Corona sitting in between Risley Law’s legs (both women from Fairy Tail), both women pooping on the toilet, based on this fanfiction I requested; https://www.deviantart.com/pkhamr/art/COMM-Fairy-Tail-A-Girlfriend-in-Need-895690437

Aiden Jamous

Clover from Totally Spies desperate to poop while driving to their next mission, and using a hotel toilet to poop based on this fanfiction I also requested; https://www.deviantart.com/pkhamr/art/COMM-Totally-Spies-Clover-s-Totally-Desperate-896475313