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The winner of the small popular poll of Froppy doing an internship with Mt. Lady on a hot day and her getting the idea of using her to deal with her bad case of swamp ass (plus her upset stomach). Then she decides to her keep her tucked in there for the rest of the day (because it's only natural for frogs to live in damp environments, right?).

There was another related part that I wanted to do that I wasn't able to get to right now, but I do plan on doing it in the future. I'll let people guess what it involves, but it does have more skunk ladies :).




This is absolutely incredible. Would it be possible to have a scat alt or would that be too messy?


Glad you liked it! A scat alt would probably be too messy given it's buttflossing so sorry about that.


Fantastic, your size art truly is on its own among size eroticists


Id love a continuation!!!!