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Poll: Should I continue doing shaded pictures?

  • Keep things as they are 120
  • Switch to just doing coloured sketches 83
  • Go back to doing uncoloured sketches 9
  • 2024-05-25
  • —2024-05-28
  • 212 votes
{'title': 'Poll: Should I continue doing shaded pictures?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep things as they are', 'votes': 120}, {'text': 'Switch to just doing coloured sketches', 'votes': 83}, {'text': 'Go back to doing uncoloured sketches', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 28, 6, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 25, 5, 18, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 212}


Honestly this has been something that's on my mind for a bit though but I was wondering if people still cared much about the whole shaded pics I've been doing. After starting to colour the sketches beforehand last November I considered the possibility of just focusing on making sketch pictures but I didn't want to change up my output too much (plus I wanted to see how people took to the new system). Honestly I still like colouring pictures beforehand and I feel like I'm giving people more by doing them, but I'm not sure if people are interested in them being shaded given the reception they've been getting. Now although it takes a shorter amount of time for me to shade pictures now, it still takes some time when it's a larger picture and given the seeming lack of interest then it's been hard for me to work up the will to do them. I dunno, I guess I've always preferred doing new pictures instead of working on older ones but that's just me.

So yeah I don't know if people would prefer it if I continued the current system, or just focused on doing sketches and didn't divide my attention. Or maybe just go back to doing uncoloured sketches with the most liked posts getting coloured. So I'm doing a poll just to ask you guys which direction you want things to be going. Just to be clear I haven't really figured out exact details about how I'll transition in case there is a change, but I just want to get a sense of where people would like things to go generally.

And also sorry for potentially doing another change. I feel like I've been experimenting with a lot of changes for the past year or so with ditching exclusives, changing tiers, and adding polls and whatnot. I like to think that the changes are more engaging but if you have any thoughts about those changes whether good or bad then I'm open to hearing that too (I'd also think about putting that in a poll too but that would make things more complicated at the moment). If I'm being honest I'm just trying to find a system I'm personally comfortable with that I think people will also enjoy and I'm still working on that. That's really all that's on my mind now.



It's nice to see old pics get shaded but id gladly give that up for more original pics


I think that if you were to continue with shading pictures, it would be worth looking into some kind of feedback mechanism so that it could be clearer what people would be interested in getting shaded. Personally, I have loved the shading but I do agree that it has had both greater and lesser reception depending on the picture. If you stick with how things are currently, then perhaps something like a monthly poll where you can have us vote on shadings for you to do could be one way you'd get feedback, or a ranking event where we could rank past shadings to find out what generally is a hit? My primary concern is just allowing you to have interaction and feedback so you see what works and what may not be, as well as not being overwhelmed/feeling like the effort is not gonna have a payoff. Though, the other way of returning to colored sketches and stuff is also enticing, because it means you get to have more freedom with what you want to put out, as well as the fact that color does indeed heighten certain pictures. That route is also very engaging to me. Overall, I am down for whatever direction you wanna take, be it continuing as you have with shading or returning to colored sketches. Both have their benefits in the end. Thank you for letting us know how you felt, just as our thoughts are important to you, your thoughts are important to us!


Yeah maybe I'll do a poll at the end of the month for shaded pictures just to make things clearer. Time is always the biggest problem nowadays since it takes time to do anything and I'm always worried about people being impatient. I like to think that they are more understanding especially since I'm doing larger pictures but it's always a concern.