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Unpopular Big Poll: Splatoon vs. Fate vs. Mass Effect vs. Dragon's Crown vs. Baldur's Gate

  • Splatoon 20
  • Fate 28
  • Mass Effect 8
  • Dragon's Crown 18
  • Baldur's Gate 14
  • 2024-05-01
  • —2024-05-06
  • 88 votes
{'title': "Unpopular Big Poll: Splatoon vs. Fate vs. Mass Effect vs. Dragon's Crown vs. Baldur's Gate", 'choices': [{'text': 'Splatoon', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Fate', 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'Mass Effect', 'votes': 8}, {'text': "Dragon's Crown", 'votes': 18}, {'text': "Baldur's Gate", 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 6, 18, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 1, 16, 31, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 88}


Option #1: Marie, Marina, and Shiver (Splatoon) are hosting a splatfest of which type of fart is better. Marina is bubbly farts, Marie is wet farts, and Shiver is sharts. They start it off by talking about why their type of fart is better with them providing a "example" of what they are talking about. This goes on until they take it too far and start getting into a fart war to prove which fart type is better. it ends with them all of them releasing a huge shart leaving them all extra embarrassed. The splatfest program shutdown because of the "accident" shortly after.


Option #2: Chaldea Fart Competition, Saberface Edition. No exact details other than character notes. All the saber faces in Chaldea get together to see who has the gassiest, smelliest, loudest, and strongest farts, with (maybe) Gudako as the judge.


Saber: Very proud of her gas. Her farts are always hyper farts. Eats a lot, blames "Emiya-San" for giving her such nasty butt fumes. Often has fart wars with Nero.

Saber Alter: Quiet and stoic, but also proud of her farts. They're easily contenders for the smelliest and overoowers everyone else's gas. Strong enough to push someone over with the blast alone. Very much like Lazei's Mikasa.

Nero: Has the most frequent farts, and is very proud of them, wanting to share them with everyone and beat everyone else in the competition, so much so she's modified her uniform for a butt vent for her roman gas.

Nero Bride: Very excitable and peppy. Open and has worse gas than normal Nero, due to binging on wedding food and cake. Has hyper farts as well, but not to the extent of normal Saber.

Jeanne: In the contest in good fun. Always compliments her opponents. Puts her hands together in prayer whenever she farts. Her gas is usually eye watering, rancid in scent.

Okita: Has ramen and rice farts. Not as strong, but definitely has some of the smelliest gas. Has a habit of just "appearing" due to reduced earth, or a "Gas Step". Tends to lose the competition due to her tuberculosis, cartoonishly flopping with rancid fart fumes being exhaled from her mouth.

Lancer Artoria: Very proper and doesn't engage in the competition. However, Nero often squeezes her stomach to get her to fart, resulting in very explosive divine gas (yellow). Very respectful for her opponents, often giving them praises even when they're defeated.

Lancer Artoria Alter: Similar to her proper self, but if anyone tries to squeeze her stomach, she slams her ass on them to "punish" them~

Castoria: Very very very shy about her farts, but can use magic to enhance them.

MHX: Oddly very proper about her gas, thinking her toots are a form of unorthodox punishment not to be abused. But at the same time, she'd casually stink up the entire room while she's talking.


Option #3: Miranda from Mass Effect 2 using her flatulence in an effort to seduce and arouse Female Shepard, based on Miranda's romance scene from the original game.

Shepard makes her way over towards the Normandy's elevator, when Miranda suddenly steps out of the elevator, blowing a long, low pitched fart as she does so. Miranda then informs Shepard that she's cleared out the engine room using her windy talents, and also that she'll be down in the room in 5 mins. Shepard remarks "I should have known you wouldn't settle for the captain's quarters" Miranda turns around with a smirk and as she comments "I settle for nothing but the best", she waddles back towards the elevator, farting with each step she takes, much to Shepard's embarrassment.

Finally, Shepard heads into the engine room and notices Miranda leaning against a wall, with Miranda inviting Shepard over for a hug. Upon hugging Miranda, Shepard slowly pulls her onto the floor, with Miranda slowly taking off the top part of her jumpsuit to show off her bra, and playfully blowing comically big, bombastic bottom burps onto Shepard's lap, arousing both ladies in the process.


Option #4: Amazon and Sorceress from Dragon's Crown having a fart contest, eventually forcing Elf to be the judge. They both take turns farting on her before knocking her out when they fart on her at the same time, calling it a draw.


Option #5: Shadowheart, Karlach, and Lae'zel discover the "Butt Plug of Spell Storage", which each of them tries, activating a new spell each time. Karlach starts off with "Gust of Wind" which causes a weak-smelling, but powerful gust that nearly bowls the other two over. Then Shadowheart tries casting "Polymorph" which only results in just her butt taking on the properties of a skunk, ripping a couple of good ones in front of the others. Then, finally, Lae'zel tries it on, ending in a finale of "Stinking Cloud", which knocks the other two out cold.

Probably more like a mid-level poll than an unpopular poll this time around since there have been alot of ideas that I wouldn't feel comfortable competing in a popular poll.



If the Mass Effect one wins and it doesn't end with Shepard saying "I should go" it isn't canon

Foxfire 500

I should have added that into the original idea, lol. 😄 I figured Miranda would suit this sort of scene well, plus it makes good use of her bottom that is so famous in the Mass Effect community.

Oofing Oofer1212

Would be cool to see some more splatoon content! but the Fate option is really good as well.