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We present to you "Ember", our June release Exotic.

Since she was very little, Ember always had problems relating to others, her temperamental nature, her eccentric personality and her lack of discipline when using her powers made it very difficult to make friends (without burning them).

As she grew older, her powers and her ability to control them (when she wanted to control them) increased dramatically (more her powers than the ability to control them) and Ember became a notorious criminal with a very bad reputation in her city.

And the fact that she had Genasi blood and a very advanced dominion of fire spells only served to make her considered herself superior to almost everyone else of the city.
Fires in the wealthiest neighborhoods happened on a daily basis and this is how she earned gher nickname, the Firestarter.

When the "Wanted" signs began to appear all over the streets of the city with her face (always smiling) on them it only served to increase her already excessive ego.

But Ember took the increase of security in the streets not as a risk but as a conquest and she took that opportunity to change of scenery and grow her reputation on a larger scale.

Since then, both her bounty and her powers have only increased and Ember is on the most wanted criminals list for the entire country.

As the saying goes ... if you play with fire, you'll end up getting burned, and another thing that can also happen ... is that what end up getting burn ... are your clothes.

As always, our Exotic figure includes an extra NSFW version.

You can find the files attached in our June Release Post -> 12_21-06_Exotic.zip



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