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This month's "Your Girl" is Shania from Shadow Hearts 2. 

Pose copied from reference. This time it was all about hands holding the axes. 

I don't often do characters with darker skin and the main reason is the scanner can be fickle. Too light and it won't show up, too dark and it get's darker than I intended.  and if I have to make corrections after I've shaded it, it'll usually stand out. 

So for this since getting her skin tone was crucial, I didn't shade it until I was 100% sure I wouldn't have to make any corrections. Then when I scanned it, I didn't convert it to B&W like usual and kept it grayscale and then fooled with the levels, and erased the smudges and whatnot.  

So while it doesn't have the darker linework my stuff usually does, I think it turned out pretty good. 



brain (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 02:09:59 To be honest the linework looks fine to me. The extra effort shows in this one! Certaintly a sketch to be proud of. Wish more people knew about the Shadow Hearts series...
2024-02-25 23:30:01 Looks wonderful! The extra effort shows in this one! A sketch to be proud of. Wish more people knew about the Shadow Hearts series...

Looks wonderful! The extra effort shows in this one! A sketch to be proud of. Wish more people knew about the Shadow Hearts series...


Looks amazing!