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Hi! This is Gearous. 

All the shipping for <Ultimate Sexaroid> had been sent!

Yayyyyyyy... .... ... heheh.... I hope it gets to you safely....PLEASE USPS!!!

Please let me know if you haven't received any invoice, also let me know if your tracking information is not correct.


I will start troubleshooting some returned packages whenever if it doesn't get delivered to you, but thank you always for your patience. 




Thank you so much for the hard work, Gear! Can’t wait to receive my copies!! 💕

Ash 🍁 Fall

Thank you, Gear! &lt;3


Thank you for all the hard work, gearous... hope you had help. will let you know again when i receive my copy in the mail.


I can’t wait, but I haven’t received a tracking number as of yet.


Hi Gear, i havent recieved the email with tracking either. Is the email delayed? Could you please let me know? Thank you for your hard work!


your's had been sent and you should have received a tracking to j*****t@gmail.com :) I hope you can find it!!! if you have further questions please send me an email to the email address above. Thank you!


Thank you a lot for your hard work Gear. I haven't received a tracking number either. Kind of nervours that i did something wrong somewhere... Could you pls tell me if the mail of tracking number is delayed of lost? Thank you so so so so much!


Greetings! I haven't received also a tracking number yet. Should I wait a few days or it is best if I write you an e-mail? Thank you!


Oh, those are some great news there! I can't wait to receive my copy (⌒▽⌒)☆ Thank you so much for your hard work Gear! ♡ Sadly I haven't got any shipping notification yet. Will international orders receive a tracking number?


Please Send me an email with the email you used when you filled out the form with your name on it! I can help you!


Please Send me an email with the email you used when you filled out the form with your name on it! I can help you!


Please Send me an email with the email you used when you filled out the form with your name on it! I can help you!


I got the tracking notification earlier today! ^ 7 ^ I am very excited!! Thank you so much for letting us have the opportunity to purchase these packages! I hope everyone's is delivered safely!!


I can't wait to receive my copy. Please don't get lost package... I didn't get a shipping notification either....


Hi Gear, thank you for your hard work 💕 Tho I have not gotten any email with the tracking number either.


Ahhh I’m so excited to get mine! I didn’t receive a tracking number either, are domestic ones being sent out? I just want to make sure I can keep track it!


I have not gotten my tracking number either. But I will send you an email. Thank you Gear for all your hard work. Looking forward to the package!


This is so exciting!! I can't wait for it to arrive! 😊 I haven't gotten a tracking either tho, should I send you an email with my email address? Thank you so much for your hard work!


Thank you! =///= some of the tracking numbers might not have been sent. Please give it for 2-3days and if you still didn't receive it in threedays, Please send me an email with your name you provided for shipping! I will look it up for you!


some of the tracking numbers might not have been sent. Please give it for 2-3days and if you still didn't receive it in threedays, Please send me an email with your name you provided for shipping! I will look it up for you!


I understand! Some of the tracking numbers might not have been sent. Please give it for 2-3days and if you still didn't receive it in threedays, Please send me an email with your name you provided for shipping! I will look it up for you!


Thank you Kimi, Some of the tracking numbers might not have been sent. Please give it for 2-3days and if you still didn't receive it in threedays, Please send me an email with your name you provided for shipping! I will look it up for you!


some of the tracking numbers might not have been sent. Please give it for 2-3days and if you still didn't receive it in threedays, Please send me an email with your name you provided for shipping! I will look it up for you!


I haven't received the tracking number email BUT I have had packages come without it just fine so if the tracking doesn't appear in my email tis fine since it's being shipped from the USA :3 also, dang! You did all of those by yourself?! 😵 I would have had to go to the hospital because of damaged fingers. That is a lot


I send a message about this , a long time ago and I did not receive answer yet ;-; I guess I can not buy at this point


Hello my email is tsuyosadollars@yahoo.com. I haven’t received my tracking yet ;w; can’t wait to get mine


I saw on twitter that she plans to reopen for order again at a later date


I'm so excited to get my very first order from you! 💕 I absolutely LOVE your work! By the way, is there a way for me to order Kiss &amp; Cry (original and gold) from you?


I'm so excited I can't wait to get my goods...Thanks so much 😀


I got my tracking number today! Thank you! Have a great time at fanime and a great birthday! ヽ(´▽`)/ thanks for all your hard work!


Got my tracking number today!! Thank you so much! 😄


i already relieved my package!!!! it's so lovely!!!! thank you Gear! &lt;3


YES!! This is what I've been waiting for! I'm so excited! I can't wait to receive it. I love your work so much ♥


Received my package today. Thank you so much.


I received mine Saturday and was so excited! Can't wait to wear my new lanyard!


I again didnt recive it the invoice😭


So happy with my package &lt;3 it arrived so fast it came in last week a day after getting the tracking email


Hi, I haven't received tracking number yet u.u


I still haven’t had a tracking number :( I hope it comes before I go on holiday.


I haven't received the tracking number yet.〒▽〒