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Guest: Yasha Levine, journalist & author 

Recorded: December 6, 2022

Friend of the show Yasha Levine joins us to discuss the big Twitter brouhaha, journalism in the age of oligarchy, former eXile colleague Matt Taibbi, and Yasha's doomed family trip to Russia on the eve of Putin's mobilization drive...

Previous RWN episodes with Yasha Levine:
*EP #120 - The Secret Military History of the Internet
*EP #66 - The Russian Hacker Panic
*EP #229 - Weaponized Immigrants & US Mercenary Coups

Subscribe to Yasha's newsletter & podcast here.
Buy Yasha's book, Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet  

Total time: 2:05:52

Direct link to this episode's mp3 here 




All the sane Virginians leave. It's only trending blue these days because of cruise missile liberals.


Izabella Kaminska: It was obvious, everyone suspected it, but we didn't have any proof ... and for years that was the reason why you couldn't write anything compelling about it because it was "Where's your proof?" ... well here's the proof, but now it's like "oh, well, uh, it was obvious ..." I agree with Izzy. She is damn smart and she hits the nail on the head. I say this as someone who deeply respects Mark and pays for his content.


When I hear Mark feuding with Matt I think Lennon/McCartney or Waters/Gilmour. There is something about geniuses breaking up

a clash of purple

No offense to them, but Ames and Taibbi are definitely not 'geniuses.' To their credit, RWN has had guests who I would consider geniuses (at least in their fields), like Carl Zha, Annibale, the Cockburns, Elijah Magnier, Piero Gleijeses, etc.. Ames and Dolan are very smart in the sense that they find people who are smarter than them and learn from them, which is a really good way to go through life.

a clash of purple

What are you gayly talking about you gay homo? F-35s are nowhere near heterosexual enough to win the war against the gay Russian forces. I say we give them F-36s, which is a super-straight plane I just made up that's an F-35 with an A-10 glued to the top towed by a drone.


buddy, they won't even let me fuck the F-35s


Is there a tl;dr on The Exile drama that I can catch up on? I've got the gist from a couple hundred episodes, but this was a tad challenging to follow at times.

Frederick Von Drasek

...love Yasha AND the Nerd and co. Both provide views and contexts you're just not going to get anywhere else, and together...hope you guys have him back sooner rather than later...


no. they've kept their powder dry for the most part... until this episode as far as i can tell. I would recommend go to the original website but its been down for a while. i wonder if mark will ever go in on a republishing of a lot of its old material. its really kickass


Ah, great. Another petty score settling episode.


Anyone got a link to that piece they mentioned that Matt did on the Collective Farm? Sounds super interesting.


a clash of purple, I am talking about the work they did together on the eXile. I don't want to be snotty here, but I was fortunate enough to read the eXile and actually see the situation on the ground that they were reporting. I stand by my comparisons.


Johnathon - I suggest you check out the piece Vanity Fair did on them: https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2010/02/exile-201002


I love Mark but I also love Matt. Breaking Points did a very good interview with Matt today about the Twitter saga. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gExHIgWqDSo


I’d love to see a segment by you guys on the ‘Twitter Files’ when all of them are posted. Both regarding the content of it and the way it’s used by one faction of the ruling class to feud with the other.


Matt Taibbi is now pooping up on Joe Rogan to call out Stephen Colbert for being "woke" What a beige bore he's become


I was a *little* concerned when the Twittergate shit came up in the feed, but you guys did a great job of breaking down through the BS, particularly Matt's hackery. As someone who found you guys long after The Exile days, I always love those Russia stories!


I love those stories too, and it's clear lots of people do too considering how many comments are on this episode vs other episodes