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Guest: Ryan Gingeras, historian & professor

In Part 2 of our interview with historian Ryan Gingeras on the final years of the Ottoman Empire [Part 1/EP #355 here], we discuss the Ottoman catastrophes in World War One, the Armenian Genocide, surrender in 1918, and the transformation of the Ottoman remnants into Turkey during its war for independence against occupying Allied powers Greece, France and Great Britain.


*Late Ottoman territorial losses

*Ottoman Empire in WW1

*Treaty of Sevres, first imposed in 1920

*Greek invasion & retreat

*Books & articles by Ryan Gingeras cited:

-Fall of the Sultanate: The Great War and the End of the Ottoman Empire 1908–1922

-The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire

-"The History That Happened: Setting the Record Straight on the Armenian Genocide" by Ryan Gingeras, War on the Rocks, Dec 4 2019  

Total time: 1:40:16

Direct link to this episode's mp3 here 



Logan Ausherman

God bless Ryan Gingeras, Mark and John

David Andrews

I learned a lot listening to Gingeras. This subject receives little attention. Great job again guys.


Whoa spoilers! I didn't know the Ottoman empire ended


These two episodes are really good.

A Guy

Ryan's voice was pretty funny, but I liked the content he shared and thought both episodes were bangers.


I just read the linked article about the Armenian genocide. Ryan is a great writer and obviously an expert in his field. Glad to be introduced to his work


This is fascinating, thanks fellas


Really great episodes, thank you all


I have a backlog so I didn’t listen to this yet. But on the subject of the dying Ottoman empire; the description of the Ottoman empire from ep #342 as dysfunctional, in debt up to its eyeballs and teeming with European advisors in every government office, it reminded me a lot of modern day Africa.

Internet jones

You guys gotta have Ryan back on to talk about this into contemporary turkey! It’s the origin of the term “deep state” iirc and it’s super relevant and interesting stuff, the coups, the grey wolves, the Turkish equivalents of gladio, the left movements etc!


I wonder if Ryan is the first person to be featured on Radio War Nerd and in The Economist in the same month...