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Good morning everyone,
We have a new branch that fixes the bogus message error &

- Laser Detector now works for Miniturret & Big Turret
- Info_Player_Start in custom maps will automatically delete nearby trigger_changelevels to provide smooth gameplay (Multiplayer Only)
- Barney ammo counts fixed for Shotgun
- Barney ammo counts fixed for MP5
- Barney ammo counts fixed for Pistol
- Added Barney Check Traceline to ATTEMPT to prevent friendlyfire
- Barney Precache MP5/Pistol/Shotgun Separated
- Monster's reacting to "Take Damage" properly
- Islave fixed (Had old investigate code)
- Fixed Multiple Map issues
- Barney reloads when idle or after going back to idle to keep ammo full on next enemy exposure (Low Ammo Reload)
- Workshop Copy Features Adjusted
- UGC Content tool updated to provide status (Steam Workshop Tool)
- Extended Entity / Map Walking Area to 16k units

And the password is


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