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Just a quick post to let ya'll know that the latest dev build has been updated. The build shouldn't crash when using the auto-mount feature anymore :D

Links to play are still here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/7358132 

Reporting bugs like this is super helpful. Thank you to everyone who alerted me to the problem <3 <3



Oh yeah, this is much better. Went through the cycle a few times, and automatic queuing works properly, and I experienced no crashing. Although, this fix introduced quite an interesting bug: <a href="https://gyazo.com/5498e7ff71d3b1da4db15c2779ce85ec" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/5498e7ff71d3b1da4db15c2779ce85ec</a>I think that penis is haunted, and wants to scare AJ (or Rarity). It's not present with Flutters. (Sorry, but it amuses me to no end. :D ) The penis is later used when you target butt. The end screen is still wrong, though. And something strange happened: I had 2 stallions cum only once and then left. I thought all stallions cum at least twice? Edit: I later on stumbled upon a softlock: <a href="https://gyazo.com/3bd48e3312ba01678f2c2175a74e8698" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/3bd48e3312ba01678f2c2175a74e8698</a>It seems that it doesn't want to initialize the 'drainage' (still). Her belly and uterus are fully filled (and a bit over), most of the game it ran on auto, but I removed the final 3 stallions manually to get the maximum out. Hm. Maybe that's related to the part where you get "Success" in any case? Edit 2: Star date: Um... It's too cloudy to see any stars. OK, so I played with AJ a little bit more, and stumbled on yet another bug, that I hadn't seen before. This time I went bare minimum, aaaand.... I got another softlock: <a href="https://gyazo.com/1618348e3491226e36505315eafcec7c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/1618348e3491226e36505315eafcec7c</a> I tested on Rarity, and the exact same (wrong) ending is there: <a href="https://gyazo.com/279e0f36edd36745f6019cdb6c7e8eba" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/279e0f36edd36745f6019cdb6c7e8eba</a>, or rather, I get same success screen in both cases. But from what I've tested, she works properly.


Whoops, I read this when you posted it but forgot to reply! Thanks so much for testing the hotfix too, it helps to see what's changed. I'm glad the crashing is solved. The other bugs you've presented will mostly be addressed in the next update, especially the soft locking and the haunted penises xD