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Tomorrow's release will be special in many regards, being a major content update with a story I am personally really proud of, but even more, it will be our first partially charity-driven update.  

Winter is coming, and as many of you know, we are a largely Ukrainian team, with some of our team members, and most of our family still living there. Last Winter was a pure nightmare for our productivity, since Ukrainian power grid was overwhelmed by constant bombings, which resulted in our colleagues and families having to spend just shy of 6 months in almost constant state of blackout. Since not only their work, but their health being dependent on access to electricity too, due to lack of heating during some of the blackouts, as well as inability to get hot water while boilers are out, our team decided to buy high-capacity portable batteries to help them get through another harsh Winter. 

Part of our earnings from this update release will go towards buying high-capacity batteries (Anker or Jackery) for our parents and team members, that will be able to get them 10-12 hours of power per one full-charge. We will be personally investing our funds into it, but we will greatly appreciate any support we get, since those batteries are damn costly, and though I personally have no problem eating chicken and rice for some time if it means that my family can take a hot shower at least once every two days, I'm not going to force our entire team to take a pay cut for it.  

If you wanted to play through Aurelie's update on release, your pledge will be an immense help in making sure that not only our work won't halt as much, but also many people will be able to spend cold months with at least some light in their houses. 

We are not accepting any additional donations, apart from providing early-access to the new update, since we don't want to take money without giving anything in return, which is why there is no PayPal or Ko-Fi link. Though we are incredibly thankful to anyone who might have wanted to donate extra! If you already have an active pledge, it's more than enough and you should know that you are amazing!



just pledged the 20 euro tier for a month, to help out. all i can do unfortunatly since i'm tight on it myself. blessings to you and greetings from the netherlands.


This is way more than we could ask for, thank you so much! We have already ordered two power stations, we'll post photo proof in Discord once our colleagues get them.


I don't know if this lightens your spirit, but I basically only subscribed because of your post. I don't know if I can really call it a donation, but it's close. I hope it helps!


It helps a lot! Thank you so much! You can be sure that it lightens not only our day, but your donation will allow our friends to literally lighten their homes.