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So Many birthdays

Lars and the Cool Kids


Jesus these episodes got dark!!!!!




Fake spoiler?: This is a sweet, happy series that will totally not wreck you. :)


Fun fact! Amethyst has the same voice actor as Vee from Owl House! If ya hadn’t noticed XD

Willow Arkan

eh something towards i think the 3rd season soured me on dragon prince, so i dropped off and haven't felt a desire to return. Might also been a bit too shonen like for me, in its plot structure and character development, especially at the time I was really done with that kind of show.


I agree with the dragon prince thing. Once i got a few eps in, i was hooked. Also, if i could suggest (for steven universe) : try to record episodes 25 & 26 together as well as 52 & 53. They aired together and i think it adds to the experience to watch them side-by-side :)

John Bossert

the boop gets me every time lol

Gone (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-12 14:30:41 We have chickens at the house and their eggs are SO MUCH BETTER than what's in the store (we've taken to calling store-bought eggs "factory eggs.") to the point that I can't eat any eggs but the house eggs.
2024-07-25 17:06:29 We have chickens at the house and their eggs are SO MUCH BETTER than what's in the store (we've taken to calling store-bought eggs "factory eggs.") to the point that I can't eat any eggs but the house eggs.

We have chickens at the house and their eggs are SO MUCH BETTER than what's in the store (we've taken to calling store-bought eggs "factory eggs.") to the point that I can't eat any eggs but the house eggs.

Corey Peters

Oh I thought these were going to be next week. So is it every two from now?

Willow Arkan

I forgot how hard lars and the cool kids got when Steven confronts Lars, the line about his mother. It's heartbreaking how little he knows about her and having someone bad mouth her, when he never even got to meet her.


Na there's absolutely nothing at all you need to worry about this show is all happiness and rainbows

William Timmins

God, Lars is such a f'in tool.

John Bossert

Fake Spoiler?: Steven is older then he looks

J. Jenny Jameson

Had this on a second monitor, heard Amethyst eat the burrito and it was silent for so long I wondered if the video was lagging.

David Johnson

I've had 65 birthdays here in America, and never once had clown... or a "kazoo racer." Pinatas, yes.


I want you to know that I accidentally paused on your face when you saw Steven’s first age transformation and didn’t realize for too long because I thought you were that shocked. I only noticed because I thought you would have blinked by then.

David Johnson

Donuts...and fry bits! Sour Cream is Onion's brother, BTW. "That's cool!" Until you realized they've just released a dangerous invasive species across the entire town...😁


"What do you know about my mom? I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO KNOW MY MOM!" TT_TT

Stephen Mumford

I love how you usually do a quick bit of psyching yourself up for the taping each time.


so how are you enjoying your wholesome show about magical rocks, mosco? :D


It’s so fun to watch someone go in completely blind! I was thirteen when this show came out. I was truly there, in the trenches, through all the discourse and the reveals. Mosco— don’t be concerned. There’s definitely not many more scary bits. 🙂

Willow Arkan

considering how long rose has likely been here doing that, i suspect it's fine


Steven Quarts Universe is also a Cutie Pie 😌

Joey Quixote

What? Nooo... This was the last bit of horror you'll ever encounter in this series! Safe to keep your guard down. No. Never did kazoo racers here. It might be borrowed from another culture? They do a few things like that in this series. I am very much the same about handling raw chicken! I worked in food service for about 13 years, so I am incredibly cautious with food prep and storage. And truth about discarding that chicken package! First time I ever cooked chicken on my own, I made that mistake of not hauling my trash IMMEDIATELY. Never. Again. You think there's gonna be more Gems? Well... You're right! So many Gems! By the time this show is over you won't be able to swing a dead cat without hitting another Gem! And so diverse! One actually has a frying pan for a weapon and has their gem... in their tail! Thats right! Gems can have tails! My personal favorite though, gotta be Bloodstone. He's kinda this edgier Gem, who's a total know-it-all, but he plays it cool. Goes against the whole happy aesthetic of the show, but he'sjust real like that. In fact, he's probably a better Crystal Gem than Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl ever were! Heck, he even tells them how they're doing it all wrong. Great advice. And an excellent mentor for Steven as he enters adolescence. Until Steven realizes he's actually the nefarious Ringo in disguise! What a twist!


This show? Dark? No no, look at the pretty colours and fun Magic Rocks 😀 everything’s fine 😀


I think Cthulu makes an appearance in this season, Its been a while since Ive seen SU


Hey, you've met my favorite townie. Sour Cream's a vibe.


Watching for the first time I was definitely surprised by how sad and dark this one got, while still having some all time great jokes. Pearl being so aghast that Steven has been "telling lies" about her cracks me up every time. Also "I think this is why aging makes humans die!" is gold.


Amethyst burrito bite -> Mosco.exe has entered shutdown mode


Mosco, just let it go. Let the stick shift details go.


Darkness? In my kid's show about magical gems??


5:11 Yikes, things DID get dark. Eww.

Kyle Smilowski

Love seeing new people enjoy SU

Iruma Mob 100

I loved how offended Pearl was when Amethyst booped her nose 🤣 Also I love the small detail of when Garnet turned to cover her eyes under her glasses and Steven speaks she pulls away and you see tears running down one of her eyes. It’s a nice way they show how much Garnet cares about Steven.

Iruma Mob 100

Another reminder to be careful with season 1 and some of season 2 on streaming services. Some streaming services have episodes out of order and you could accidentally be spoiled by something.

Conner Clemons

I had 4 schools 2 elementary middle and high school


I forget how many adult jokes are in s1😭

A Magic Duck

Yeah season one is weirdly dark for some reason. The series really gets much lighter as it goes on.

potato potato also another potato

iirc we pasteurize our eggs in the us, which damages the outer coating in some fashion, and is the reason we have to refrigerate our eggs, while Europeans usually don't. ....I think i'm remembering that right?

potato potato also another potato

and as an american, no, kazoo racers is...to my knowledge, not an american thing. I mean like...power wheels exist (electric cars of roughly that size kids can drive around) but I don't really associate them with being a birthday party activity or anything, just a fun toy for little kids.

Panic Blitz

An ancient gem-based woman consumed a 5-year old burrito. This is how her organs shut down. /chubbyemu


I drive a manual, only witches drive stick.


The difference with American eggs is they wash them to remove any salmonella on the surface, but that removes a protective membrane layer so they won't keep as long and have to be stored in the fridge. Though I was under the impression that in the fridge they keep about as long as UK eggs do outside it, a few weeks usually.

Eliteguard99 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-26 15:48:03 As an American, I agree Mosco, our eggs suck ass.
2024-07-26 15:39:42 As an American I agree Mosco, our eggs suck ass.

As an American I agree Mosco, our eggs suck ass.

Day Blueberry

Just got your Patron, there are so many videos there is so much stuff!! Definitely overwhelmed!!! So excited!!


So am I a cat or a cookie?


In the US, eggs are washed after laying to remove any potential external bacteria, but the process weakens the natural seal on the shell. Refrigeration is then required to keep the egg safe. A side effect is that (as long as it stays refrigerated) it more than doubles the shelf life. In Europe, not much more is done than wiping the poop off of it.

Dan_Ganing_Fan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-12 14:30:41 6:43 Yeah, I've tried eggs in France before, and they were so much better than ours. The reason eggs from America have to be refrigerated, and probably why they suck, is because American producers wash eggs with hot water and soap right after they come out of the chicken, which cleens them, but removes a natural coating on the shell that protects the eggs from being porous. So if they aren't refrigerated after, salmonella and other things can leach in. Apparently, we just do everything wrong, but at least this time Australia, Japan, and Scandinavia are wrong too.
2024-07-30 15:51:23 6:43 Yeah, I've tried eggs in France before, and they were so much better than ours. The reason eggs from America have to be refrigerated, and probably why they suck, is because American producers wash eggs with hot water and soap right after they come out of the chicken, which cleens them, but removes a natural coating on the shell that protects the eggs from being porous. So if they aren't refrigerated after, salmonella and other things can leach in. Apparently, we just do everything wrong, but at least this time Australia, Japan, and Scandinavia are wrong too.

6:43 Yeah, I've tried eggs in France before, and they were so much better than ours. The reason eggs from America have to be refrigerated, and probably why they suck, is because American producers wash eggs with hot water and soap right after they come out of the chicken, which cleens them, but removes a natural coating on the shell that protects the eggs from being porous. So if they aren't refrigerated after, salmonella and other things can leach in. Apparently, we just do everything wrong, but at least this time Australia, Japan, and Scandinavia are wrong too.


I tried watching The Dragon Prince when it first came out and I made it to episode 5 or so before I quit. I gave it another try because you were reacting to it, and I made it an episode and a half this time. It's not even the animation style. It just feels so incredibly generic to me. I don't like any of the characters except the elf.

Matthew Abbott

Wait? You’re in your 30s? Lol, you were getting after Steven for looking like he’s half his age when I thought you were like 20 or something.


I'm commenting right after watching the start to agree - you should all have a look at Dragon Prince! Really well written, both funny with serious topics in an incredible fantasy world.


Now watching Amethyst eat the burrito, and I'm like, since she doesn't suffer from it, for a gem it might just taste like eating a block of blue cheese?


such a good pair of episodes. i LOVE the Cool Kids and the lore we get from Too Many Birthdays. this is so nostalgic watching all these old episodes again ;w;