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Heya, been working on the animation, everything is going fine for now im polishing the beginning part, im just having a little truble thinking where to put the growth here, thinking to have Ganyus butt grow bigger before the plapping to give some extra meat for yelan to absolute smash and than fill, could be done also in the middle mm not sure, or both, an initial growth , then PLAPPING, and growth again than more plapping and CUM...or no growth at all....mmm...

also i made for Ganyu a nice big horsecocka, i think it's fitting since she's like half goat n shit u know, also couse HOT, so i might keep it in the animation if you guys like the idea of her having a nice big horse meat




Yes, give the cocogoat the ass dick that can choke ancient monsters like in her lore 🥵🤤 Excited to see more!


夜蘭有絲線 讓她用絲線綁住陰莖 使其無法射精 並造成陰囊膨脹 最後鬆綁 讓精液大量射出的玩法應該可行


哦,天哪......这是我最喜欢的东西之一,遗憾的是,正如我之前说过的,叶兰的丝绸内衬可能不会出现,因为这真的很难,而且坦白说,我不知道如何将绳索制作成动画,但是,将静态绳索锁在甘宇的阴茎上是可以做到的。 这可能是一个非常有趣的添加内容,我可能会做,谁知道呢 ;)