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There was something terrible emanating from these walls, I can't explain why, but this time my professional curiosity was silent, and my subconscious was beating the church alarm bell with screams - go away faster. I never argue with my inner voice so as not to anger Fortune, and therefore, I decided not to look at what kind of pink light seeps out from under the door, and in what language speech is heard on the other side...
                                                                                                                  – Amory Gaspard

Hello everyone,

A new large map created with the support of the subscriber. Here is an obsessive plasma reactor inhabited by a demon. Vast spaces for shooting and maneuvering, shelters, a cozy balcony for communicating with the cursed demon, an electrical control room and six capsules with psykers feeding the demon. The map will be a great place for a boss fight or the main clue in the investigation. Although of course you can always come up with your own version of events and immerse your players in a fantastic world of adventures!

The map has a connectivity icon (puzzle symbol) this means that it can be connected to any maps with the same symbol.



Miguel Wanderer

What i needed just. Now I guess I need to use Photoshop to get the blue blocks.... Any ideas to make this look more Tzeenchie?