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Dear Advisory Council for Reassuring Slytherins and Ensuring Sympathy (A.C.R.S.E.S),

I hope this report finds you in the best of spirits and amid a plethora of snacks. Today marked the exciting initiation of my mission to be the designated Emotional Support Hufflepuff for my assigned Slytherin. What a day it has been!

My day commenced bright and early with an invigorating chase—er, I mean, enthusiastic search. I have always been a firm believer in the saying, "It's not about the destination, but the journey," and oh, what a journey today was! From the Great Hall to the moving staircases and even the bewitched mirrors in the lavatories, Hogwarts really felt alive with possibilities.

In my pursuit of, I mean, my efforts to connect with my Slytherin, I experienced an educational adventure. Today I've discovered that Slytherins are not just cunning; they are innovative. The methods used to, um, find some alone time were truly ingenious. It's clear I'm paired with one of the brightest young minds of their generation.

The highlight of our day was an unexpected, and thoroughly spontaneous, study session in the library's Restricted Section. Mrs. Norris joined us, and we had an exhilarating experience that I'm sure will be one for the books (pun intended!). I can't begin to express how bonding it felt to be amidst toppled bookshelves and the sweet scent of parchment.

I'm eager to inform you that my Slytherin and I are well on our way to forging a connection that'll be the talk of the castle. We have established a rapport built on mutual... surprise. Yes, that's the word! We have a whole year ahead, and I'm brimming with optimism about the wonderful memories we are set to create.

On an entirely unrelated note, I'd like to mention that the library will require some... minor repairs. It seems the Restricted Section experienced a bit of a reshuffle. Also, it would be beneficial to have an additional seminar on cat psychology, focusing on their unexpected interest in certain baked goods. Purely for academic purposes, of course!

In summary, Day One has been an unmitigated success! The foundation has been laid, and I am positively buzzing with excitement for the days ahead. I have a sneaking suspicion that my Slytherin might just surprise me in the most heartwarming ways. But for now, I'll keep my expectations... realistic and continue my mission with zeal!

With the fluffiest regards and utmost dedication,

Elsie Happshine
P.S. I've prepared an assortment of cookies for the council. Do let me know your favourites!



But, I’m a Ravenclaw. 😍


Dear council, I regret to inform you that the Slytherin I was assigned to did not meet at the appointed time or spot, and she must have received private tutoring on anti-scrying magic and cannot be located Please help. Will this affect my grade and is it too late to be reassigned to a new Slytherin or is the match permanent?