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Hello my fabulous Patrons!

Pardon the whirlwind that is me at the moment, I come bearing news with the grace of a giraffe on roller skates. First off, I must grovel a teensy bit for the short notice (read: unforgivably late announcement). What can I say? Timey-wimey stuff. That wibbly wobbly thing versus depression didn’t really help this month.

Three livestreams are looming like a Dalek invasion on the horizon. They’re scheduled for the 28th, 29th, and 30th of June, all at a rather civilised 20:00 BST. I know, it's basically happening in 5…4…3... Quick rundown for the time-zonelly challenged among us:

12:00 PDT (yes, that's lunchtime for you West Coasters)
13:00 MDT (Rocky Mountains, don’t go hiking!)
14:00 CDT (Central squad, grab a sarnie!)
15:00 EDT (East Coasters, put down your afternoon tea)
21:00 CEST for the continental Europeans.
03:00 CST (next day) for my insomniac friends in China.
05:00 AEST (next day) for the Australians (Rise and shine, Kangaroo Land!)
07:00 NZST (next day) for the Kiwis, who might as well be in Middle-earth.

Now, the first two streams are Chill Chat Streams. Bring your favourite cuppa and let's natter about all things audio and maybe why Pluto should be a planet again (fight me!). The third is an Audio Suggestion Livestream. Got some peculiar or delightfully eccentric ideas for an audio piece? Now's your chance to throw them into the cauldron. But let's not get too wild; don't want anyone to end up accidentally summoning Cthulhu or anything.

All right, lovely beings, let's get our adorkable selves ready. I hope to see your virtual faces and screen names there.

May your biscuits never get too soggy in your tea.

Orchid Audio 🌺



Yay live streams mreow 😊