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  • If you want join the 'GOALS' event, you have to sponsors more than 6 months
  • 1$ tier and 3$ tier have to sponsors more than 9 months 
  • 1$ tier can request only SFW works
  • No gore or scat

This is the basic rules. 

but I realize that in 1$ and 3$ tier, only few peoples  satisfied the condition.

There is no means to draw event. So I'd like to add new rules for 1$ and 3$ tiers.

"If your total cash contribution( lifetime support ) 
is nine times more than your tier, you will be eligible to participate the event. "

*If you have any other idea about rules, please leave a comment.

And I'm gonna pick two more winners in 5$ tier this time.

So there are 7 winner's in total. 

5 winners in 5$ tier, 1 winner in 1$ and 3$ tier.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment. 



I just raised myself back up to $5.