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Every end of the months, income get lowered. It's happens all the time. 

But this time, It's too much...

I think there are some 'Eat and run' users. 

So, I'm planning to fix the tier reward rules. (ex Upload the old works on gumroad)


Thanks for your opinion. 

I'm gonna upload all my 2019 work piece to gumroad on the last day of January.

and the all posts will be deleted. So If you don't download the file yet, hurry up! 



요새는 그냥 메시지로 보내는게 국룰인 것 같아요


오래된 작업물들 한번 물갈이 하시고 보상티어도 한번 고민해보는것도...


100달러 단위 당첨 안되니 빠져나간건가..?


I've been part of this Patreon for a while now, so I've seen it grow over time and then contract at the end of the month. I think the trend really started to kick off with the monthly draw: people who want a free commission or something like that come in and get into the draw by pledging. If they don't get drawn, they unpledge for whatever reason and leave. If they get drawn, then they continue the pledge for a while and probably leave after getting what they wanted, since they were never interested in supporting anyway. If so, the nwhat's happening is actually pretty simple: people are popping in to try and get "free" commissions and leaving after the draw. If that's so, then changing the draw dates would work to stop it: open the draw for the month's event a few days before the end of the month, and then do the draw *after* the start of the next month when the payments have occured. That'll stop people from pledging, entering the draw, losing the draw and then unpledging before the first payment has even been taken, which would otherwise allow them to get into the draw and even win it for free. Another idea would be to only open the draws to people who have been on here for a while, which incentivizes people to stay around (and thus pay) to get the benefits of being a patron. That makes income more routine, even if it does drop the apparent "peak" of income at the end of the month by getting rid of those who aren't actually subbing, but making a fake-pledge that they cancel right before the payment is due. Things might be a little different than that, but that's generally how it seems to me.


yeah is happen every month


Charge upfront, use gumroad, migrate to Subscribestar, ci-en or something other than Patreon.

Alen AGD

I've seen many nsfw patreon but your one has reasonable price and yet still manage to doing the job greatly. It is sad that this kind of thing is happening to you.

Kyle Smith

Whatever you decide... Good Luck! Perhaps charge Patreon for early access, previews, prorgress, and polling for the next character. That way they feel they are part of the process and are continually vested. Have a higher tier for a drawing, and charge a reasonable rate to get higher paying customers that are interested rather than free to all patreons. That's my suggestions.


메시지로 보내는 것도 생각해 봤는데, 그러면 새로 가입하는 사람들한테 일일히 메시지를 보내줘야 하니 그것도 문제인 거 같습니다


hey, before you delete all, can you provide a master link of your past work? right now it just seems it's all over the place