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Celebrate the Chocolate Day by inviting your fictional crush over here!

ANY Patron, processed or not can request here just ONE character, character design or situation.

I will choose about 3 of them to draw. If I had the time to complete them into coloring/shading, it will be paid content, otherwise it is free.

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Also, well I reckon I'll let you know here. This month I have started to do some internship doing some really basic stuff, and I also collaborated with a friend who is making a game (a normal game), mainly doing animation. Neither of these pays me, but I will still be spending time doing it since y'know, I need normal stuffs to put in my resumé. I will try to manage my time well, but if you notice a dip in my activity or quality, hope you'll know why.

To add to that, the visa for my current country of residency is also expiring next month, which means I need to work out either trying to find some sponsorship or to prepare to be deported back to my home country (which will suck because you don't know how many boots I have lying around!). So yeah, things are happening in my life! If only I can just lay around drawing smut all day long, right?

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Anyways, feel free to post your requests now!



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