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I hope it get's back up again, but for those who are looking for me:

Add me on discord: Tom Hoodie#6453

Or join my discord group: https://discord.gg/mFAzSAz

A lot of nsfw tumblr's have been deleted recently, nobody is 100% sure why but I am awaiting a reply to my customer ticket.



Aang Slyver

Hoodie I have confirmed only 2 things regarding this: 1) Tumblr has been saying it’s a major glitch on the system and is unrelated to the iOS App Store. 2) so far all those blogs I have followed that have been taken down about 80% have been restored (% does include yours as of this writing). So your doing the right thing in remaining calm and getting the info out. :)


Thank you for the info!


Can I ask how long ago they were taken down, and how long it took to be restored? That might give me an idea on when to expect a reply about my situation. Thank you.

Aang Slyver

The response times have been dropping. During the beginning it was down for only about a day at most. One that came back last night took 3 days as they are getting swamped. However, another that went down yesterday was back up within 2 hours. So it depends how many of the agents are on versus how many are ahead. Also you would lose all you messages content it seems as everyone that I talked too that’s been restored has lost all content in the asks and messages. (They can see the “chain” but can’t see the content)


:( I wrote a ticket immediately yesterday but no response yet. I hope they find me soon. I never got many messages so I don't think I've lost much there. Thanks again


I have faith it will return.