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 TLDR - READ this before seeing attachments - Below are attachments of WIPS, they are spoilers cause I don't want to spoil the story, it is up to you all, to choose to see or choose to wait. Rest of the post is just an update. 

Hey everyone I want to give an update on the project. First things first although there was a lack of updates I want to tell you all. 

Production of the Project has not stopped! I've been working diligently on it for the past 2 months.

           Details - 

  •  The animation is near complete (I'd say about 90%)

  • 10% is getting done while the rest of the 90 gets polished

  • What the story was going to be in the beginning of me starting production is completely different than what it is now. Reason is in the next bullet.

  • The project has gotten longer and longer the more I animate. What I mean is that I have an initial plan and while I'm animating I think of a way to do it better or a route I would like to go. Once I decide on that path I don't stop even if it takes longer then my deadline. Why? You might ask. This has been a different project from my previous ones. This already has 2.5 parts the one with Hinata and 1.5 with Sakura. Now Part 2 with Ino. The more I spend time on this project the more potential I see with it. I don't want this story to be a one and done thing. I want to animate this part so the next part (Part 3) is lead into perfectly. I can't tell you how many people begged for a part 2 and I want to give them one that's better than what they imagined. Meeting that expectation has made me look for different routes in the story late in the projects production. 

  • A Part 3 and Part 4 of Boruto have been mostly planned out with a Finale! Whether I do those depends on success of Part 2.

  • Once complete the entire story will be uploaded publicly. This means the supporter versoins (Level 0, Level 3, and Level 4) will have bonus scenes spread across with the best top notch scenes being at Level 4. 

  • The level 4 Bonus scene will have a surprise girl (Not Sakura and Not Hinata)

  • Once story is uploaded a voiced version will be uploaded within the weeks. 

  • The voiced version will also contain another extra scene for Level 4 supporters.

So why haven't I been uploading WIPS - 

Well the reason being is that I don't want to spoil the story. However I realized people want updates. I have a hard time updating people without showing some type of work being done, I hate claiming things that are not true without at least some proof, but I also don't want to spoil anymore so my solution is to just leave it up to you guys. I will be uploading WIPS again until the project is completed. under the attachments however they will be labeled as SPOILERS so it is up to you all to decide to watch. This keeps you all updated and knowing that I did not die and give up on the project, and also avoids me having to give empty updates with no WIPS. It is up to you to decide to watch the WIP however I the creator of this project would prefer my audience to not spoil themselves. The decision is up to you not me, it feels better that way.  

When will the project be done?

Although so close to completion I don't know anymore since I keep finding new ways to take this story as I go. I got to stop at some point but I want it to be the best it can be

Another reason of production being affected (TLDR Version at very bottom) -

 I don't particularly want to talk about it, my personal life.  (Please my real life is so much different from my animation projects, do not associate my personality with my animations my real life is seperate from my animation journey here as Mcjunior Gohan,  I only mean to explain how it affected production) So, the most common reason, excuse, circumstance etc. in the book. Which is why I don't want to talk about it but it's affected production enough to the point where I should talk about it at least a little bit. To those who have supported me you all know I am in the military. My job in the military has long hours but it was easy to manage animating for the past few years. Uploads were monthly. since I didn't have any friends while I was serving in the military. I kept to myself.  Which allowed me to work on production as soon as I returned from work. And then all of a sudden something happened few months back in which I had to volunteer for a deployment. A lot of people volunteered. I was chosen amongst co-workers because I ended up being the most qualified individual for this deployment which was a huge surprise to everyone I worked with, even my leadership. That deployment worked me to the bone because even among the people I went with I was worked the longest almost to 18 hrs. a day with an hour ride back to my hotel and hour back to work. My longest shift was no joke 36 hrs, I chose to work that long to meet mission requirements it was important to me as well. It was not bad because I enjoyed it. Not trying to sound like a work acholic but the deployment was different from my normal job. I did a different thing I loved it but it took all of my time. I also have been enrolled in college for the past few years and I even had to cancel my courses for those months I served, to meet mission requirements. 

Now I returned from my deployment 4 months ago so why does it still affect production?

 Well, after that deployment upon returning to my home station my life and career in the military flipped upside down.  good thing is I have been awarded many things since then and have been recognized by not just my leadership but the leadership above my own also have recognized me. Even the leadership above them. What I did was considered a very amazing feat. During that deployment and now because of my experience I learned to socialize better and have friends now. My normal job I still dislike and would like to work on my animations full time, which is one of the reasons as to why I started doing this in the first place is to do what I love, and replace my current job. But the problem with being recognized is being worked harder and having weird duties.  also I moved out of my apartment, and then got Covid during my move

TLDR - Basically I have more factors in my life that affect what I can do in 24 hrs. which is basically having friends that I enjoy being around which I never had before. (don't mean to be a pity party its just weird how much time a social aspect takes out of your life). I will learn to properly manage and good work life balance going forward. Although current factors have delayed the story, I will not let it affect the quality of this production. 

Any ways updates will be frequent with WIPS again however they will be labeled as spoilers with a short title to explain what the contents could be, so suit yourself to watching them. I hope you dont give into temptation, I won't talk about the clips (those who watch the clips do not comment about it, instead you may private message me any feedback you would like to give) they are solely for my supporters to know they're support is helping me and showing the respect and appreciation back to my supporters.

Again do not comment about the contents of the spoilers on the post because well spoilers. duh. Instead message me personally if you would like to give feedback I for one would like that. 

When the initial project releases the Voiced version will release within the weeks of the first version uploading.

Also what is spoiled is only like 4% of the full project length.

Cheers everyone! 


casey sokolik

Thanks for the update.


I been thinking about you these past couple days. Life gets to everyone once and a while. Glad life is looking up for you. Be safe


Friends can light up a person's life. it's nice to hear that you're doing well my g. Be safe