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Since returning, It has been a crazy busy month for me! Its hard to believe its still August even. I feel like every spare moment has been devoted to either Marvelous Designer, Blender, or the HS studio. I'm even thinking about patterns and poses in my sleep.. ugh i need help 🙃.

That being said, I am having a lot of fun and feel like I have been learning a lot. I am very proud of my latest batch of poses, as well as the strides that I have made in modding. More on each to follow.

CUTE 2 Poses and other Pose Related Stuff:

The recent release of Yukio (who definitely looks closer to 18 than she does 30) has inspired me to expand my selection of cute poses. Most of my standing model poses feel a bit too formal or veer towards the professional or sexy side of modelling. This time I am relaxing things a bit:

 As you can see, this upcoming set will be playful and catty. Perfect for those adorable shorter or youthful looking characters that you may have in your lineup. The 12 new poses will be coming to your Standing Model folder on the 25th as usual.

After that, look forward to a pose pack composed of nothing but dirty, raunchy girl masturbation poses on the 10th 💀.

September: Avril

The girl that I am bringing to you for September is Avril. An old card that I picked up on one of the sharing sites had a really intriguing combination of front and back hair that I really liked, so I built a character around it. I think I will name her Avril, after the singer because.. reasons.. Not sure why to be honest. I should have probably cut that bit out.

In any case, here is Avril in a security coseplay setting because why not. The clothing item that I am planning to make for her is a cute little jacket or boleru. Something that comes down just short of the waist.

Up next is a somewhat lengthy blog/rant about what I have been up to in the world of clothing mods for the few who may be interested in that venture of mine.

Mod Creation Journal

Most of my personal progress and accomplishment this month has come in the form of an expansion to my knowledge as a modder. Once again, a shout out to Bl@ke, Hanmen, Noble_kale, Lurki, and others for all your patience and tutelage.

The first clothing project that I worked on this month was the one that I spent the most time on, and I am sorry to say that it is a dead end:

This ruffle top was meant to be Yukio's but alas, trying to learn how to do sleeves, and a continuous ruffle across the whole bust at the same time proved to be too much of a challenge. The result is too rough, and has lots of clipping. I figure that there are three big things that I need to learn before I can complete this one: Retopology, Baking, and Dynamic bones.

Coming off the heels of that dead end, I turned to something a bit more manageable, something with sleeves, but only half of a small-ish ruffle. That outfit is now Yukio's outfit. I only had 2 days to work on this in order to make it before the deadline of the 15th, so that is why no preview was provided:

 I don't think that a flowing ruffle like this CAN be perfectly executed with just bone weights (the mechanism that directs parts of a clothing to move along with the character body), so there will always be some clipping into the body for certain poses.

Despite the ruffle not being perfect for every pose, I was really proud of this piece as I learned two very important skills: Sleeves and Princess seams.

 Sleeves are self-explanatory. Princess seams are those ridges that run along the bust apex (nipple) of many higher end clothing! Adding them instantly makes clothing look a bit more classy, and makes the garment fit better too!

These last few days, I have been studying more tailoring techniques for marvelous designer and a commission from MonoLight on the discord caught my eye. He wanted this KIA Tigers cheerleader dress:

I took the commission because I felt like playing games at the time.. some octopath traveller 2 sounded super good. BUT NO, I needed to focus, and this commission would be a carrot and stick to help keep me practicing blender and MD. The result of the effort can be seen in the CUTE 2 preview at the top of this post.

This project taught me several important things. First of all, I learned how to accommodate larger (60, 70) breast sizes a LITTLE bit better for my future projects. Second, I learned how to make and use clothing "parts" that can be toggled on and off in game. And lastly, I learned how break textures work, albeit the one that i implemented here was very primitive.

Monolight has graciously seen fit to share the dress with all of you, so I will be releasing it here before months end, once I have figured out a suitable half state.

Thats all for now! Thank you for your continued support and visitation. See you on the 25th!



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