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Well, not going to lie, I’ve been feeling terrible for the last week. I still blame myself for what happened. I’m trying to draw but because I’ve been drawing so much on the laptop, my left hand hurts.  I’m very tired and afraid. The amount of stress I’m going through is insane. Sorry for whining. I just wanted to say that to somebody.

Thank you guys for your kind support. I’ll try my best to not let you down.



There isn’t much we can do about not knowing what we don’t know. Just recognize the stages of loss/grief is real and be reassured that you’ll come out alive a better person. You don’t owe anyone unrealistic effort for the increased support you’ve gained. We are here for you and here to support. Itd be bad if you were to burn through all your fuel now at the start bc you think you need to deserve it. Im sorry such an awful thing happend, but we really hope you feel better soon :) I hope my unasked for advice helps!


Thank you for your kind words. I really hope that my positivity will return soon


Take time to seek balance in yourself. Relax. Listen to the wind in an open park somewhere. Smell the sea breeze. Embrace small creature comforts. Take time to feel grief, then move on. For the sake of your health and the natural flow of living.


I'm not going to pretend to know or understand what you're going through, but I'm sorry for all the struggle and hardship you're having to push through. We're all more capable than we think, and you still being here after everything is proof of that. Just know that whatever's on the other side of all this, you'll still be here, and you'll be stronger for it.