LadyLumps; It's Happening! (Chapter 1) (Draft) (Patreon)
Hey all! I'm sure a few of you remember that almost two years ago for April fools, I released the above artwork and pretended that I had in fact written this entire book. It was all in good fun of course, but there was actually a TON of comments and notes that I recieved asking when and if I'd actually be making this a reality. Up until quite recently the answer was that "I wasn't." but I was recently approached be a potential commissioner who wanted to make this story a reality. Of course the big stumbling block here is that the original title "I Was A Teenage Soccer Mom" left the age of the character a bit on the young side, so we've changed the title to "I Was A Sophomore Soccer Mom" featuring a College Sophomore in the role. When the book is complete I'll be working on the new cover, back cover, and interior artworks. I plan to upload the stroy here as I'm working on it, and y'all can come along for this journey!
Below you can download the first draft of chapter one. If you catch any formatting, grammatical or spelling errors, please let me know! The commissioner and I have already decided on the plot, and story beats, so please no suggestions on that front. Enjoy!