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Omg, just got it. Alastair putting himself as a 'dad' figure vs Lucifer. I'm a moron.


hazbin 5



Ok, that Lucifer and Charlie song is the best duo I've heard from this show. Their singing voices go so well together. Also, I'm quite curious about that line Husk had regarding Alastor "being on a leash". It almost sounds like Alastor was ordered to help with the hotel by someone, which would explain how keen he is on protecting it.


I am like, 99% certain that he's indebted to Lilith, and that she is making him help Charlie. She did a lot of concerts etc, he was in radio...I think she could have given him a boost at his very start and now she's collecting. I think it's fascinating that HUSK knows about it too. Like, it's supposed to be a big secret, but Husk is aware that Alistair isn't free. I wonder if all the Overlords owe someone else.