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Request by Wonderful Inquisistor Tier Patron Just Chris




Just Chris

I'm glad you enjoyed it and will be requesting more from them in the future, though I will give you an option between some fan made music videos or uploads of the songs that have the lyrics and linear notes play along with the song. I haven't seen these guys in person due to them not coming around to my neck of the woods very often but I have seen their live performances on Youtube, the guys absolutely know how to put on a show, acting and prop use included. This rock opera is a gritty cyberpunk re-imaging of the old Mega Man games of all things the band being named after Mega Man's older brother Proto Man, this music video partially takes plot points from four of their songs, Father of Death, Keep Quiet, Light Up The Night and The Fall. The album this song is on Act II: The Father of Death is a prequel to their self titled and retroactively subtitled album The Protomen Act I: Hope Rides Alone. Which was released waaay back in 2004 and was purposely recorded with the worst equipment they could find at their collage. This album was released in 2008 and was alot more successful than the first. Light Up The Night finding its way into one of the Rockband games. Their two main albums are one rock opera with alot of its stories told via linear notes while they do also have two cover albums one of which The Cover Up has baring on Act II's story. Sadly we've only gotten small previews of Act III so far. Act II focuses on Dr. Thomas Light who when he was young partnered with his best friend Dr. Albert Wily to build robots hoping to prevent men from working themselves to death like Thomas' father did. But on the night they are supposed to activate the robots Dr. Light and Dr. Wily have an argument with one another on whether their machines should be used to help or rule over the people which leads to Albert along with the first robot to activate later that night going to Tom's apartment where he runs into Light's girlfriend Emily Stanton who is there to deliver a letter to Light, Wily attempts to convince Emily to leave Tom for him. Emily tells Albert off in a truly inspiring rant before he orders the robot later dubbed The Sniper to kill her, which it does with no hesitation. Dr. Wily calls the police claiming that Thomas killed Emily before he and The Sniper leave through the window. Dr. Light returns to his apartment as they make their way down the streets away from the scene of the crime. The Police reach Thomas' apartment and start to break the door down after getting no response, seeing no way out Thomas dives out the window breaking his arm. He then goes on the lamb for an undetermined amount of time, time Wily uses to build up an army of robots and use the media to turn the citizens of Our City into a frothing lynch mob. Thomas giving up goes to Emily's grave and waits to be arrested, afterwards he is put on trail where he is found not guilt as it is proven it would have been impossible for him to kill her. Though the people of the city do not care seeing Thomas as a guilty man no matter what the evidence says. Thomas goes into self exile and Wily uses The Sniper and his security robots to make sure Thomas is never caught wanting him to suffer. Dr. Wily then moves onto his plans for Our City, practically rebuilding it into his ideal utopia overnight, no one works anymore, no one drives combustion vehicles anymore, any form of dissent leads to you being disappeared. The generations that can remember the old world collectively agree to not inform the next generation about what the old world is like. The young man Joe is among one. Eighteen Years after Wily took control Joe spends the first half of his night at a bar hitting on an uninterested young woman before leaving and absentmindedly riding to his old home where he takes his fathers old chopper. The loud engine and his shouting wakes people up and send them into fear, even worse it alerts The Sniper to Joe's dissension, Joe stops on the edge of town where he encounters Dr. Thomas Light a man only spoken about in hushed whispers, who warns Joe about the Sniper, Joe then begins ranting at the robot telling it to step out into light before rushing it down with a pipe (as seen in the comic panels in the music video.) The rest is in the music video. Though to confirm your suspicions, first it was cutting back and forth between the present and past at the beginning, second Dr. Wily did plan all of this. He wanted someone to try and break into or blow up his control tower so he has an excuse to declare martial law and release his robot army into the streets. The story is continues twelve years later in my next request... Hope Rides Alone. I found out about you guys a few years back due to Youtube autoplay one late night and have kept tabs on you guys ever since, you have a style and variety most reaction channels don't have. My favorite video of yours now is this reaction but before now I'd say it was the reaction Kit and I forgot who did for Sseth's Dwarf Fortress video. It's a great video, the two of them had great chemistry. P.S. I've been listening to New Retrowave slightly longer than you, I found them in 2016.