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s&w 4



Couldn't get to this one right away cause I'm exhausted from work so almost a day late to comment. Regardless thank you for the shout out, glad you guys enjoy the information I provided and to continue that trend lol yes this is 25/6 episodes which puts it at the same run time of both old seasons combined which is why people are excited about the remake because that run time all but confirms that we'll pass the insane cliff hanger it left us on in the original or at least get pretty close in the remake's season 1 and should clear it in middle of a season 2 at the latest. It has me excited but also makes me feel extremely old I was in high school when this originally aired, and now its back almost 20 years later and I've reached my 30s. As for questions about the episode proper. Yes she can escape into the wheat but I believe she has to be in range of it. So Lawrance has to find a way to get close enough for Holo to jump into it so she is somewhat trapped but in the worst case she can turn into her wolf form and run but as you saw this episode they both have come to care for each quite a bit so she wouldn't just leave him out to dry. And on their relationship I'm right there with you, while yes from the get go their personalities really mesh well and they have great chemistry but as you saw the thing they have the most in common is loneliness and its through that they were able to truly connect. While Lawrance doesn't have nearly as bad a Holo he for sure gets where she's coming from he isn't in it just for the money his ultimate goal is to settle down and form real connections. And Together they were able to alleviate that from each other for a bit.