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(Unreleased Works) Left: Alm into Mae, with hair untied - Right: Aether into Mona (Tied hair)

Hey guys, so there's one thing that I have been wondering lately...

As you know, one of the most important aspect of an anime/manga character is their hair, as it gives them details that makes them different - Sometimes specific characters (Like Hatsune Miku or Mona for example) have hair styles that helps them stand out, others have even more elaborate hair styles, such as drills.

But when it comes to transformations, obviously the guy in most cases won't have hair ties that keeps their hair up and their transformation should normally have their hair down, giving them a unique look. However, this also means the character looks different from what they usually look, though I am probably still going to do both, sometimes like for what I did Rita, their unique hair style remains but is drooped down due to being untied. What are your thoughts on the matter?


Brendan Theriault

Aether into mona ehhhh... cant wait for that one ♡


Body transforms first, then clothes+hairstyle after is good. It's weird if hairstyle changes but clothes don't. OT: I have a few more Genshin ideas. Godwin into Glory. Godwin is patrolling outside Mondstadt. He makes a Glory-related wish to Barbatos. Dandelion seeds blow into his face, he goes blind and turns into Glory, then Sister Grace drags her back to town. Zhongli into Hu Tao. Hu Tao is Zhongli's funeral parlor boss. Potential for a transformation. Albedo into Ganyu. Drinks cocogoat milk purchased from Qiqi, or an alchemic potion? Tartaglia and Teucer into Barbara and Jean. Maybe. There are town NPCs with TG potential. Nimrod (drunkard) into Eury (his wife). Diluc into Donna (she has a crush on him).


I preffer it when the hairstyle transforms along with the owner, becoming styled and tied up in the process. After all, it forms a large part of the character's aesthetic, and can give a character an entirely different vibe – twintails give a character very different vibe than, for example, the exact same character having her hair tied into a ponytail or even have part of her head shaved. Hairstyle in anime (and, to a degree, even in the real world) is not just something that makes characters distinct, it is also something that expresses their personality. For pieces where the personality does not change and the character is overcome by lust, it probably doesn't matter very much, but in cases where either the personality does change and/or the character reacts to the transformation, having the hairstyle transform along with the character can add a lot.


Wow is the left one from the artist of Alien abduction and Delthea man I really missed this artstyle because the art quality is very high, its sad that I have been informed that we will not get new works from him/her anymore


For hairstyle transformation concept I think I prefer it to be natural untied hair because I like when the tranformation is realistic unless if the concept is a magic theme series it may be fine to have it tied magically but mostly still good to be untied for me or to make them transform into the exact looks I like it to be similar to Rin tg where she tied the hair by herself to play doll instead of magically tied with thin air