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Taihou's red eyes met her adoptive mother's cold icy blue eyes as the workers along with Jake and Alice went off to feed her darling's summon. 'Her entire reason to exist more like' A small part of her whispered more truthfully.

But that silence as the workers made their way into the families compound was cut off as Olivier spoke in her typical harsh and blunt manner. "Enough with waiting now Taihou, breakthrough to the Intermediate Mage realm. Jake is a mage now."

Taihou's face was still and void of the great emotions she typically wore on her sleeves when she was with Jake. "I want him to be a higher cultivation level than me." She said simply.

A cracking noise rang out as Olivier with no hesitation smacked Taihou across the face with a backhand that knocked Taihou to the ground and along with scoring a deep bleeding cut across her face just below her eye from where Olivier's wedding ring cut into her face.

But even with that pain Taihou didn't cry out, she didn't scream, nor complain. She simply stared at Olivier with dull eyes that made the cold Ice Witch snort with annoyance. "Truly... You are a disappointment, I picked you and dragged you back to America out of that dead city for your special physique. But you are so broken and attached to my son that you cannot even take advantage of the gifts the heavens have given you!"

Honestly for all that Olivier put so much effort into making Taihou as talented as possible to act as a foil and furnace for her beloved son as reached the Super rank of mages. As reaching that level simply couldn't be done by talent alone.

This stupid girl had become a doll that literally couldn't live without her son in the room, without her becoming a statue that made everyone uncomfortable to be around.

With no response from Olivier, Taihou stood up on her own feet but as she did so. Bloody red flames escaped from the deep cut across her feet and by the time she stood up, the cut was completely gone. And Olivier knew from past experience that Taihou had long since lost any sense of pain from her training to take advantage of her hidden bloodline so the blow was merely a wakeup call to Taihou.

"You will have an allowance to be spent in acquiring materials to enhance your body, and magical energy. You will be going to the same magic college as my son, and lastly you will work towards acting more like a normal human being." Olivier stepped closer into Taihou's personal space with her lips almost meeting her ears as she whispered.

And the words spoken made Taihou's body flinch. "After all... You aren't even human are you? So at least pretend to have a fraction of the same enthusiasm for my son when you are around other people as I tire of people calling the government about you being possessed."

Olivier pulled back and Taihou finally spoke coldly. "Fine... Mother." She said and their eyes met for a long moment as Taihou's cold ruby-like eyes stared into the icy eyes of her adopted mother and the eye contact was only cut off as Taihou stated. "I will be leaving then." And without giving her adoptive mother another look she strode away with her steps ever so slightly increasing in speed with each step as she desperately made her way back to the pillar of mental stability.

While Olivier's long blond hair stirred in the wind as she stood there alone as she took out a flask from her side and took a heavy swig from it before coughing out heavily and swaying with her hand smashing a heavy dent in the special alloy armor of the car they drove back in.

Shakily Olivier's hand that covered up her heavy coughing came down slightly and her body stilled before she sighed looking at the palm full of bloody wooden roots in her hands that writhed violently with excessive vitality. "The son who bears the very stars as his power... It is funny that his mother bears the physique that should have made him a living god." Olivier spoke to herself as she leaned against the car with deep exhaustion.

Her eyes dulled and her vision lost color as her true physique, the Divine Tree of Ygdrassil which bore elemental fruits that she could give to other people like the elemental fruit of summoning that she gave her son. Was beyond too much for her body... No, it was more than clear, that by fate. Her son, Jake Barriss was destined and supposed to have this physique as her body couldn't contain it's ever-growing power even with her reaching the Super tier mage.

'My talent ends at the Super tier... Unless I can transfer this Physique that would give copies of elements he owns to any women he sleeps with to Jake. I will die, as my body can't handle much more... Unless I can reach the Forbidden Curse Rank.' Olivier thought for the millionth time before a wet gasping chuckle escaped her at the thought.

As to do so. To reach the Forbidden Curse rank was to leave humanity behind and become a greater being with the person consuming a blessing of the very world called a Stamen of Earth. Which acted as the pass for the higher worlds above this world to bless you and grant you a Forbidden Curse.

But to say nothing of the Stamen of Earth she would need to act as the catalyst for such an event she also needed at least ten other Super Mages worth of mana to help her flare her magic strong enough to call the Forbidden Curse to her position and enter her body after consuming the Stamen of Earth.

So with no materials and no organization to help her ascension, she had to hope that Jake gained enough power soon enough that she could pass on the physique before she died and the path to the Forbidden Mage for him was closed.

Olivier carefully sat back inside the car as she took some medication to soothe her agony help her body heal from the Yggdrasil flexing inside her body. 'Haaa... Truly it's unfortunate, Jake would have the ability to take a harem of mages and simply by sleeping with them, his seed would bless them with the essence of the stars to raise their magical power. And vitality, strengthening their bodies if he had my physique, but now he only has the star essence which is why that Hoshino brat is obsessed with him.' She thought with a small smile crossing her face as she closed her eyes.

As she was more than happy to let that Ai Hoshino play around with her son, after all, she wanted Jake to cultivate faster and fucking Ai who had a much lesser but still related astral physique which would act as the perfect tonic.


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter looking forward to the next one.

Guilherme Bezerra

At least this fic isn't trying to sugar coat how Cultivarion worlds are terrifying. Thought I got to ask how the hell are things somewhat stable with an more or less working economy given the current situation being so damn grim. It is rather absurd but even the step siblings are in a somewhat better situation than expected since the MC actually cherishes them...


It's "stable" because high end monsters are no less intelligent than humans and they know that they cannot beat humans due to our habit of sticking together when the going gets rough.